Yes, but it’s been a while since I checked that so I could misremember it.
EDIT: He goes to the longer loop around 16 minutes in.
EDITEDIT: The bag kill is absolutely possible, but for some reason it didn’t count the accident kills only Arcade complication. Still killing him in plain sight kept SA.
Perfect. Even by the standards of the Heisenberg Parameters of Perfection, this was an impressive mission that went off without a hitch. Using @Monwil’s input, I finally attempted to kill the target by pushing a cement bag on top of him, and I got it on the first fucking try. I set two coins in the right spot to lead him to stand under the bag, but it turns out I could have just used one, but no harm either way, kicked the bag onto him and - squish! - that was all she fucking wrote. Even found a new path to get up to that spot from the roof that I’d never found before since I’d only used that method once the very first time I played Apex Predator. Walked out like I owned the place, tragic accident, perfect score. I can finally check that one off my list.
Hello again
Playing The Liability today live on twitch:
Cya there
Almost forgot to kill him just remembered and now I’m off to bed also I think this is the quickest I have ever done an elusive target I’ll kill the other two tomorrow
That was an interesting mission
For those who want to watch the live playthrough, you can watch the replay here:
(STARTING @ 1:00:00)