Elusive Target #9: THE HEARTBREAKER (Year 4, 16 - 26 February 2024)

Finished it just in time! Now to leave The Broker till the last minute (or forget) :smile:


No Loadout SA SONKO :metal:

At time of this posting, only 360p is available. I don’t have much experience with YouTube; apparently it’s processing in the background and better quality will be available later.

As mentioned in the video description, nothing funny or crazy happens for the second half of this run. I’m just walking around, listening to the conversation.


Even though the roadmap is not out yet, the Heartbreaker will be live in two hours from now.
So here to revive the topic!

It’s under the Year 4 tab in the ET career, but does not have a proper Y4 designation (yet?). I’m curious to see if it will have a Y4 challenge attached to it.

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It has the usual challenges, just without the Year 4 tags like the name of the contract. I assume the Year 4 tags will get added in with the next patch, whenever that is.


Looks like it’s a regular ET and not a permanent one. Sigh. Can’t wait to fart bomb all those guys again! -_-

At least this time there’s no stupid Y4 challenge to go with them.


@Melusca in case you are a completionist : they are not properly named Y4 challenge, but there is a (stupid) new Silent Assassin challenge to go with them, distinct from the original Y1 one, if with the same name.

Last year, I decided to take out most ETs with direct murder kills, where it was obvious that the targets were assassinated. This year, with a few exceptions depending on which ones are released, such as the Surgeons or (please!) the Fixer, I’m gonna try nothing but accident kills. I’ve never been able to get the gun lure trick to work, so I’m gonna try a new tactic on the Heartbreaker here, and lure him to the grape crusher and push him into it.

I’ll just have to decide, for when the Iconoclast inevitably comes back around, whether to get her into the grape presser, or lock her in the industrial freezer. I’m leaning toward the presser.

Success at last, and I even pushed the bastard into the grape crush like I wanted! The strategy wasn’t even too difficult either, with the only issue being that I had to bring a briefcase into the mission to do what I needed, and while I though I had hid it away somewhere safe, it was actually found and moved, so after killing the target exactly as I wanted and in full, perfect accordance with the HPP, I had to then sneak around half the damned map to get my briefcase back before I could exfiltrate properly. It was irritating, but I got it, and now one of my top ET fantasies has been completed. When the Iconoclast comes along, I’ll be ready for her ass to go into the grape presser.


I got him with a rather amazing shot from the barf dart gun. I’d say the range was 15 or 20 meters. Unfortunately someone saw it so I pulled out a silenced pistol and first shot the wittiness then went back for the target. This was all at the bottom of the stairs by the fences of the grape crops.

I was able to scoot out to my car before anyone else noticed the situation.


I had to restart once because I accidentally killed a nontarget. I hate when I just want to subdue someone and forget that I’m holding a lethal item in my hands. :joy:

Went the classic route with stealing his shit from his van, poisoning the wine with his own poison, showing his “My Favourite Murder Memories” scrapbook to his clients. SASO.

Were the two clients always enforcers for trespassing in the cinema, or is that new? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@Diana47 be like:



All the time! :weary:  

Drowned him like a rat he is.