Elusive Target Arcade

And the Deceits also shows as failed.

Honestly, even if it worked I know that the complications were going to add up and playing the last stage, the Black Hat with both “one pacification only” and “hide all bodies” is just not going to be fun. I know what the ET is (guards, enforcers, attic) and it’s just too much.

Not even in a “challenge fun” way. A bit of a shame really. If only it was optional complications, I could have some fun.

This whole things sapped me down. I think I will leave the game alone for a while.


Well, in actual Elusive missions quitting to menu without doing anything important (collecting an important item, assassinating a target) doesn’t give you any penalty. Same as restarting.
And if your internet or server connection kicks you out, then you should still be ok to replay it.

So this is something different to get used to (or to be changed) for ET Arcade.

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The Codices randomly reopened for me. So to anyone who wishes to know what the complications are for it :

At least this one can be played with sniper assassin for some fun.

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From what ive seen from this made my hype completely dissapear, this might be the most terrible way they couldve done this


It works. Just tried on 2nd level of The Codices.

All right. I just successfully completed The Codices (and unlocked that sweet Krugermeier) and now all three of the Arcade contracts say they’re failed and I have to wait 11+ hours to play them. :laughing:

Edit: And two seconds later…they’re magically back. What the hell. :grin:


I think the sole idea of having to kill all targets, one after another without failing is challenging enough already (especially with the H1 contract that has 5), so I don’t get the point this complications. That totally kills any replay value.

Such a shame that these contracts will have the same fate of most of the escalations of the game: being played once and then forgotten.


The Known Issues page on Zendesk has been updated to reflect the problems people are currently experiencing in Arcade mode…


I really don’t understand why IO tries so hard to limit our creativity with complications like this. They were never fun imo.


Since it’s an Arcade, I think it would be more fun if you could pick your complication (or lack thereof) each level, and get a score bonus depending on the complication you picked.

So you could go through the whole thing with no complications for a low score, or pick a bunch of hard ones for a high score.


I updated the game, opened the arcade menu and The Codices already failed without entering it :smile: Oh well I’ll try again tomorrow i guess, I hope they fix the issue by then

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I really don’t get iO anymore as well. Still love the game, but why did they stop to hitman?
Hitman: Big open sandbox, not only multiple but lots and lots of different approaches, mix of social stealth, accidents and optional action, lots of experimentation.

But for months now almost all of the new stuff we get is completely different. Very strict, almost linear missions (not linear per se, but less “do it how you want to” instead more “find the one specific way to make it work”), always some kind of complication, many of them against the Hitman gameplay style like no changing costumes (removing the social stealth aspect, simply reducing it to “crouch to not be seen”, great -.-) and and and and.

Just does no feel like Hitman anymore, everything from the escalations, 7DS, now this arcade…

I hope that 007 will be like Hitman, and I mean like Hitman-Hitman and not like what it envolved to the last months


EDIT: To put it in other, simpler words: I love Hitman for this loop: “Hm, how can I do that? Will that work… ooohhh no shit shit hide, phew. Maybe that way? Ah, nice, I could… oh damn, he mioght see me, I should try that” and so on and so on.
But all those escalations, the 7DS, now this Arcade is more like: “Maybe I can do this… NO FAILED BACK TO ZERO! Okay, damn, let me try this again, this time that door… NO FAILED BACK TO ZERO! Oookay, let me prepare a third time, I guesss I could just NO FAILED BACK TO ZERO!”

Even if “I restart to get a better result” and “the game forces me to restart” might be eventually the same thing, on is my own motivation (good thing), the other one is frustrating and infuriating (bad thing).

I just don’t get it.


I hate the complications, in the Ascensionist there’s 3, i get that it’s meant to be a challenge, but you’re telling me i can’t shoot her if i want, i think they should have had 1 complication and make it a random one, that would have made them more interesting


I think it’s pretty funny. I’m one of the people that always thought that them just unlocking them to play whenever would make them pretty boring, but I assumed they would just have a mode that would have a random ET, and if you failed it, another random one would be up next, meaning you couldn’t get another try at the one you just failed until it came up again. Then you would just try to new one and fail or succeed before then getting another random one. With the amount of ET they have it would still mean failing had consciences.

It’s funny that when they had to come up with a way to make use of ET’s in a new mode the only thing they could come up with was to turn them into escalations.

“Hey guys, what should we make the extra content for the H3 deluxe version be?”
“What should the new paid DLC be after the game launch?”
“Hey, we want to make changes to the maps of Berlin and Dartmore for the seasonal content!” Escalations.
“Wait a minute, that one wasn’t a question, why would we…”
“But this game has always been about letting players explore maps and play the way they want, like how we created a bunch of different targets called Elusive Targets, and a mode called Ghost Mode where…”
Ghost Mode is dead, ET’s are now ESCALATIONS!
There is no but, only ESCALATIONS!

haha, shit’s fucking hilarious.


Damn what a weird move from the devs :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Most of people only wanted to be able to replay the Elusive Targets as a simple formula and they give us more complications and restrictions to it instead.

Disappointing :confused:


To be honest most of the complications seem fine, but god I hate hide bodies so much it’s unreal. Genuinely killed all of my interest in doing the H3 ones.


They’ve been working on this trilogy for a while, so it’s not surprising to me that IO would be tired of doing the same formula over and over. With Hitman 3 they’ve constantly been shaking things up, even during the campaign.
They’re constantly trying new things, sometimes it works, and most of the time… it doesn’t because it feels to far removed from what people like about this trilogy in the first place. By trying to make the formula less stale, they’ve been pushing away players that actually genuinely love this formula to death, and I think it’s a bit sad honestly.


hot topic :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



Just played a few of the arcades and my feelings can be summed up with this image

Why io decided to limit creativity in one the most free and fun gamemodes they had (ets) baffles me beyond belief. Why would they shoot themselves in the foot like this


Played them all. Don’t feel like I’ll ever want to come back to them ever again.