Fan made Contracts of Hitman WOA

Platform: PS4
Contract name: Deus Ex: Human Absolution
Contract ID: 2-30-1886229-662

“I never asked for this”


The targets are easy to isolate, and it isn’t too difficult overall, but playing through Chongqing really reminded me of Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Mankind Divided, so I wanted to make a contract that felt like them as a tribute. I was going to set “No Pacifications” to optional to avoid making the contract look too scary to more casual players, but I published before realising my mistake :sleepy:

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Well I hope they fix that, lol

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Believe it or not, you are still kinda wrong, legshots do count as Fall Accidents if they Fall into water, for some weird reason… oh and there are these NPCs commeeting suicides by jumping off ledges, I guess they count too.

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Platform: X-Box
Contract Name: The Competition
Contract ID: 3-29-8802767-73

A pretty straightforward “get in, get out” contract. Just don’t get recorded and hide any bodies.


Nice one! I actually didn’t know about that wall jump to the juice bar area and am finding out just now :smile:

This contract really made me realize there are an ABSURD number of shortcuts in Berlin. Its so cool, you can really get all around the outside of the rave if you look hard enough

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Title: The Tang Brutality
ID: 3-30-8700921-52

Just one target, no complications. Simple enough to complete, but I think the weapon requirement and target’s location will pose interesting questions to speedrunners.

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Oh yeah, I remember in Haven Island having contracts to drown certain targets. So I had the clever idea to do leg shots to knock them down in the water so they drown - only to have the game count that as a “Fall, Accident” instead of a “Drowning, Accident”. Ugh, this game’s logic makes no sense sometimes!

I’ve done contracts with Dr. Ito and Jeremy Bolt that asked for “Fall, Accident”, and I thought I was clever getting them to commit suicide and jump… only for the game not to count that.

I need to stop being clever with this game…

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Lol, think as the game wants you to

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Platform: PC
Contract name: Raindrops
Contract ID: 1-30-6401928-13
Briefing: Like droplets in the rain, they fall through the night sky. Awake, aware, they draw their last breath in a world turned upside down.

Location: Chongqing
Complications: No pacifications and no disguise changes. I’m a bloody idiot so I accidentally made them obligatory, I’m very sorrry.

It’s not super easy, but there are some neat tricks you can use.
Feedback appreciated, and have fun!


I made a sniper contract in Dubai.

Contract name : From Top of The World
Contract ID : 1-27-9011083-29

More Info


Three very challenging contracts.
90 seconds to eliminate these guys.
Electric accidents, pistol and explosive devices.

Shocking: 1-29-9121742-75

Ballistic: 1-29-2980080-75

Explosive: 1-29-3636555-75


To hell with your rules! I used the briefcase anyway. There’s a perfect smuggle point in the staff trailer right next to the Club Crew starting point. :grin:


Title: The Schubert Prescription
ID: 3-29-3147027-52

Haven’t done many 3 target contracts yet, for one reason or another, so I figured I’d change that here. This feels like it might be on the lengthy side in terms of time, but I’m sure someone here will trim it down to under 2 minutes somehow.

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You made a pretty clever puzzle with this contract on how to poison Cecilia. It seemed pretty straightforward that I have to lure her over to the bar and serve her - but she just stands in that one spot and doesn’t willingly move, and there are a lot of NPCs crowded around so I can’t do a simple coin toss distraction. It took some trial-and-error before I found the clever solution to distract her into the nearby room, where I’ve dropped a weapon, so she goes to tell the nearby guard, and then I can serve her a poisoned drink after she’s walking back from telling him about the weapon.

Name of contract: The Executioner

Contract ID:

PC: 1-03-3398942-12

PS4: 2-03-6757872-54

XBOX: 3-03-2101052-48







I planned to make this contract a long time ago. Basically, to make it more interesting, I advise you to play without instinct and find the target yourself. And so nothing is required for successful passage to SA!


@Bulcer - Frames for briefing, recreating on PC, screenshots for challenges

@Silvio_Caruso - Recreating on xBox

Elena - Voice for Diana


Hahaha, don’t worry, “disincentive” just means adding a little time penalty to it. Fair and square :wink:

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Two fun sniper contracts in one of my favourite maps.I especially liked the first one for being a bit more challenging and it also allowed two different sniping spots(the balcony from Alexa’s office-intended method-and the balcony from Zachary’s room- speedrunning method). That maid in the garden was tricky to kill too and I liked that.


The most obvious kill method for her is the lawnmower,but it is not very reasonable to use it because the bodies of the gardeners could be found due to the noise,so the best kill method remains the old-fashioned one.The geometry of the maze is also interesting for this contract because she can be found pretty easily(unless there is an easier way to isolate her I didn’t know about) if a specific guards is not distracted.

Thankfully,no skips in my videos this time. :wink:

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Nice! Yeah, I really wanted to involve someone in the Chill Out room, but all the NPCs in there are stationary and never move or drink…Originally I was trying to do some crazy stuff with the Banana behind the bar, but couldn’t get the AI routines to behave consistently. Nice job!

Platform : PC
Contract Name : Private Hai
Contract ID : 1-28-5073137-49
Location: Dartmoor

Just a little Contract I made to test the worth of some possible ET Mod NPCs, so since I haven’t posted a Contract on here yet, what gives.

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