Fan made Contracts of Hitman WOA

I helped you convert the contract for the epic platform, here is my ID: 1-29-7573749-84

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Contract Title: Radio pirates and drug bootleggers

Contract ID: 2-29-4233921-05


have fun!


Contract Title: Quick deathes in the family

Contract ID: 2-28-3835241-05

Briefing: A tense race to kill 5 members of the Carlisle family in under 5:56 minutes. Good luck and enjoy this challenging contract.


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I’ve done it too, it’s pretty good

i usually don’t make time based contracts. but this one i made was my favorite. a contract that tests yer speed, precision, and knowledge of the level’s map. also what console are ya?

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The console is a PC. I am a PC gamer :hugs:

ah. i mention it cause i think me posting the contract here got more players on its leaderboard. i also do get reoccurring ps4 players on some of my contracts like for example a guy named drbobone.

Yes, there are also ps players here, some people will play

Contract Title: Drowning the feds

Contract ID: 2-22-7285290-05

Briefing: These men are on the hunt for our client. Drown them all to help the client get away. (hint: to get them to the toilet one must make rat poison dangerous and illegal)




Hello,Nice contract, can you mark the location of the target? I’m a PC gamer and I want to recreate it,

drowning the feds? sure first one in the contract is the guy who talks to the guy supporting Charles Blake lll, second guy is at the Wilson’s party, third guy is defending the property to the left of the Wilsons, and fourth guy is at the house where you can get the beak staff through an easter egg. probably weren’t expecting me to detail down all the targets but felt like being thorough.

@Happylittlewhi tbh the contract i made feels a little long but it is an interesting brain teaser that shows off the deeper functions of the game. kind of intrigued to see people solve the puzzle since i do like adding a bit of riddles and puzzles to my contracts like radio pirates and drug bootleggers on how to get the old axe in without being spotted.

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Recreated on Steam: 1-24-5008630-23


Contract Title: FREE MUFFINS!

Contract ID: 2-22-9731757-05

Briefing: It’s our job to give out muffins. So if anyone rings at the door give them free muffins.



Just got first place doing this!

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sweet man. congratulations.

@Hitman4726 just looked at the leaderboard and holy shit. 2:37?

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Hi. Your contract is fantastic. Here is my reset contract EGS ID: 1-22-6391848-84 and my friend also reset STEAM ID: 1-22-0638238-62

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glad to see a version on PC. guys figure out how i did it?

Contract Title: The look-alike killings: Sapienza part 1

Contract ID: 2-03-4553948-05

Briefing: You have been hired to kill these targets in the outfits they’re dressed in. It is ideal to not harm non-targets to get the disguises.
