Fan made Contracts of Hitman WOA

Just what this thread needs, ANOTHER Dartmoor contract :laughing:

PS ID: 2-28-3387820-02
PC ID: 1-28-5348894-04 (by the grace of @Kevin_Rudd)


Title: Jägermeister
Location: Berlin
PS4 ID: 2-29-7963724-29

My first contract for Hitman 3 :partying_face:

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Contract: Light Up a Stuyvesant
Platform: PS4
By now everyone has electrocuted Markus Stuyvesant, thrown him with knives, kicked him over the edge, but have you tried setting him on fire? That will take a little bit of EXTRA planning…

Recreated on PC



Hey everyone! Originally, this contract was originally meant to be in the skydiving suit, but since it didn’t count the suit as being an original disguise (you can still find it on the level), I removed the complication and only made you wear the suit when you were skydiving!

Platform: Xbox
Contract Name: The Sky’s The Limit
Contract ID: 3-27-6401436-02
Briefing: 47, this is Grey. I’d like to address the Partners directly. However, there’s a problem. Maverick, an ex Air Force pilot, plans on sabotaging their helicopter escape. He will purposely crash the helicopter into a nearby executive building, hiring the helipad guards and a nearby crew member to stop any resistance. All for the glory. I need you to make a string of accidents near the helipad, dissuading the Partners from escaping. Meet me on top of the Marina Hotel. Fancy some parachuting, 47?

The targets are the helicopter pilot, the two guards, and the crew member near the parachute exit (which is the intended exit for the mission). There are many things around these four targets that scream accident kills, and I also wanted to joke about Grey saying that he wants to address the Providence partners directly every time you play Dubai.


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Name of contract: Not stonks…
Contract ID:
PS: 2-30-6134364-54
PC: 1-30-2998234-32 (By @BradleyPaine, thanks to him)
Platfrom: PlayStation
Notice before play:
The contract is easy to pass with any skill level, the main thing is to have a shotgun with a silencer, if you are of course an SA fan. There is also an additional complication, “Do not pacify anyone.”


Platform: Xbox
Title: The Mueller Contrivance
ID 3-29-7478327-52

Really satisfied with my route on this one, and curious what the folks here come up with for it. If you don’t yet have your Berlin bearings, it may help to know that a hobby knife can be found near the projection bar.

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This was a cool one, especially the combo of dealer disguise, scrap sword and all DJs as targets made it interesting. Great contract
Here my run ( SA 5:50)

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The decision to keep shortcuts locked for contracts mode is really frustrating. I get the logic of wanting players to go “the normal way” first through a level before realizing the back passage that makes things easier, but for contracts mode it’s sorely limiting. Reaching the Sceptre Penthouse in say, a crew disguise becomes a much harder and, IMO, less enjoyable task without the ladders around the helipad area.

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Shortcuts are not locked for contracts mode. Only creation.


Huh, okay then. That’ll make it a bit trickier to get the conditions I’m aiming for, but it is still doable.

@TheBored23 I liked this one a lot. I tried a few different starting locations.

Which makes even less sense :wink:


Platform: PC
Title: Bad Day For Work
ID: 1-28-0769515-42


I’m willing to remake this one on Xbox :slight_smile:

oops i @‘d the wrong person

Platform: PC
Title: Florida Man kills Florida Man
ID: 1-29-7833265-14

This mission might also make it easier to understand Florida Man’s route for any who are having trouble finding him in Berlin for the challenges related to him.


Platform: PC
Title: The Termination Aggravation
ID: 1-30-2001034-55

This is a sort-of puzzle contract that’s based around the AI routines triggered when you fire the three employees. If you’ve never paid much attention to what these NPCs do after they’ve perform their predicted action, you might be surprised what happens…

You’ll have to do this contract in just your suit, without knocking anyone out and without being spotted. It’s not as tough as it sounds, but it does require good knowledge of this area of the level. Sneaking around undetected is a puzzle within itself, which inspired me to make this. Good luck.

EDIT: I’ve remade the contract, new ID is above. I think the game bugged out when I made the original because, apart from the time limit, some of the non-optional objectives on the menu were showing as optional once the level had loaded.


Sometimes the time limit is needed just to focus or rush the player
P.S. I’ve never seen him used this way, I myself thought

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To be honest, the time limit was by accident. :joy: I didn’t set it as a condition, but it somehow got enabled anyway. If only we could edit these things…

I guess I could make a new one, I’m just worried about taking all that time just for it to happen again.

EDIT: I remade it since there were other issues. Edited my original post with the new ID.


Made another set of escalation contracts