That’s an excellent run - very different from the ways I tried. I’ll try and beat your score, but couldn’t find a straightforward way to do it so far. Well done!
The Smuggler’s Gift
Steam ID: 1-36-2663758-84
PS ID: 2-36-2820784-25
{"Author":"magicdave94","MissionId":"ff129b85-92fc-4664-8058-39a8deebbac6","MissionName":"LOCATION_PARIS_NOEL","TimeLimit":60,"ExitId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","CreateFromParamsJ":{"creationData":{"Title":"The Smuggler’s Gift","Description":"You can find the Bartoli 12G in an Orange Present on the 1st floor, next to the stairs checkpoint leading to the auction.\r\rYou can find the Bartoli 75R below the couch near the frisk point leading to the auction on the 2nd floor.\r\rContract by Switcher.\r\n\r\n<HCCE>","Targets":[{"RepositoryId":"79b0eec8-7bc4-435c-b8fc-a83393907a64","Selected":true,"Outfit":{"Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true,"RepositoryId":"da1ce1bf-1d1b-4f49-9d0f-73d57f955606"},"Weapon":{"KillMethodBroad":"shotgun","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethod":"shotgun","RequiredKillMethodType":3,"RepositoryId":"7f31d897-a62f-448c-be0d-79d565e2faa7"}},{"RepositoryId":"238926bb-371d-4a65-a364-0606e9166f05","Selected":true,"Outfit":{"Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true,"RepositoryId":"da1ce1bf-1d1b-4f49-9d0f-73d57f955606"},"Weapon":{"KillMethodBroad":"pistol","KillMethodStrict":"","RequiredKillMethod":"pistol","RequiredKillMethodType":3,"RepositoryId":"55ed7196-2303-4af6-9fa3-45b691134561"}}],"ContractConditionIds":["008d2eb9-c1c8-44e0-a636-ccca63629f3c","95690829-7da4-4225-a087-08918cccf120"]}}}
Thanks to @magicdave94 for creating the contract and the json, hope you all enjoy!
PS ID: 2-37-2902124-25
Look Daniel, She’s Iced
Steam ID: 1-02-8930209-84
Xbox ID: 3-02-0910843-50
{"Author":"magicdave94","MissionId":"e9f86bbc-ce66-4aa3-8759-2e0580178156","MissionName":"LOCATION_PARIS","TimeLimit":60,"ExitId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","CreateFromParamsJ":{"creationData":{"Title":"Look Daniel, She's Iced","Description":"Our client, Daniel Rosenberg, has grown so tired of his overbearing mother's attempts to fix him up that he has hired you to accompany him to the Sanguine fashion show and run interference.\r\rYou are to identify any potential suitors and put them on ice, before any maternally enforced pelvis thrusting occurs.","Targets":[{"RepositoryId":"0bf717d8-0f92-48b3-8df7-586a23712082","Selected":true,"Outfit":{"Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true,"RepositoryId":"5d9753ba-5b6b-481e-97df-823d183f5447"}},{"RepositoryId":"58acfdec-f8da-40d0-82f4-542cc9123464","Selected":true,"Outfit":{"Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true,"RepositoryId":"5d9753ba-5b6b-481e-97df-823d183f5447"}},{"RepositoryId":"2dbdc1ed-b834-4d34-8f3e-4a09b3526b9a","Selected":true,"Outfit":{"Required":true,"IsHitmanSuit":true,"RepositoryId":"5d9753ba-5b6b-481e-97df-823d183f5447"}}],"ContractConditionIds":[]}}}
Since @Urben doesn’t seem to be updating the posts (and I’m an impatient asshat), here are the IDs for the remaining HCCE Urben Contracts that never got recreated on PS:
Professional Obsession: 2-30-6601059-25
Game of Throne: 2-29-2424560-25
Rewire the bass: 2-29-9561136-25
Trigger, singular: 2-06-6285695-25
The Sound Of Mk2: 2-21-0489254-25
Cabeen: 2-99-1025388-25
Just want to share, now that I am able to add more images to posts and understand the site a bit better, I went back and updated my previous contracts on here - some of you may recall they were sets inspired by movies/games - with all the pictures, including the optional challenges that I added, as well as JSONs for recreation (also added to my other recent couple of contracts too).
Movie Magic series
Dangerous Games series
Mainly just because I spent way too much time taking screenshots for them so this makes it feel slightly less a waste of time
Nice contract @Melusca some very tricky timing.
I favourited this a while back but only just got round to playing it.
Fair few attempts and a bit of luck needed (I might have to make a contract to kill that staff guy who walks into Engstrom’s room) but I was determined to make this work.
I haven’t played Marrakesh in a while so it could definitely be cleaned up I think, I didn’t really even have an exit strategy until finishing, but I’m pretty happy with my time on this one.
Very nice run, it took me like twice your time to be able to complete it (although I used a different start and a couple of extra disguises, which probably added a lot more to the timer)
Yeah that guy who goes drinking near Engstrom is super annoying, to the point I simply ended up bonking him in the staff room lol
Even though I recreated this only just got round to doing a proper run of it.
Enjoyed this one, took me a lot of refining my approach and I was happy with this. Many faster routes? I think I could have probably sped it up slightly but got the #1 spot on Steam as of now
The butterfly track Steam:1-11-6027730-82
That’s a really good run, GGz.
My run was really different (also a minute faster) if you want to see how I did it:
Thanks! I figured there was probably a way to avoid waiting for him to walk round to speed things up. Did you post the right link for your clip btw? showing as my vid again for me
Being ADHD is my talent, sent the correct link now
That was sick! I’m not that good at bullet distractions/panics but I might have try replicate this run. Didn’t even consider the trespass lure or Santa exit lol
Yeah, there is alot to explore with this contract, if you do something faster then GGz mate
The electricityfighter Steam ID:1-22-3883231-82
PS ID: 2-02-7187493-25
@White-peacock nice contracts, I enjoyed figuring out the tap distraction/food serving combination on butterfly track.
Hi friend,I played your contract:Frank‘s Revenge,I enjoyed three targets and spend me 12:50, Silent Assassin 。slow and slow,Please understand me to played this slow road