First Impressions and Small Details

[The original creator of this thread requested it be deleted. It has now been bequeathed to the system]

Hitman games are so overwhelming at first and conjure a lot of thoughts in our heads when we start a new map for the firs time. I thought we could use a thread to talk about the small details, interesting discoveries and assorted musings we have during our initial playthroughs. Can be any level. Please mark any story spoilers using tags if possible though.

My first thought is really random, but - Congratulations to the sound designers for making a room full of people clapping SOUND LIKE a room full of people clapping specifically in the room they are clapping in. This is a notoriously hard thing to get right, especially in video games. Celebrations rarely sound like celebrations and just end up sounding muted and lifeless, but I actually felt the ambience of the main room in Dubai, the reverberation of the huge room echoing as people’s palms smacked together.

Instantly in love with this.