You see I’m the opposite. I love playing Freelancer still, but I like playing it with a full armoury at my disposal and I like the fact the targets are on a rotational basis and change every time you play a different Syndicate, so it keeps different for me. I have done Prestige once before and I didn’t really like the constant running around chasing my weapons. It’s something I’ll maybe go back to once content fully stops for the WOA Trilogy and we’re waiting to fill in some time before the next Hitman game
From a technical standpoint it would be easy to simply copy paste all achievements and make them doable in hardcore.
Just gimme a golden statue instead of a silver one. Add golden statue for prestige hardcore mode and golden achievements (maybe just with golden edge), and golden mission statues.
Another idea would be adding rarety to boss leaders who have a chance to drop specific items which you only can aquire from them (dropchance 20 % or so) and not in the shop. If you do 5 or 10 of them you get something special. Maybe the possibility to swap a missiongoal once with mercers or adding 5 new legendary guns which you can only obtain through legendary bosses which you obtain in boxes after you already did 5 or 10 legendary missions.
Unlocking a legendary mission by obtaining an item from a bossleader which gives you access to a legendary showdown.
maybe more rarety for missions(common,rare,epic, legendary)
I mean there is enough space in the hideout to add more stuff.
More stuff on the walls etc.
Its just an idea.
If IOI makes a HC version of the 100 campaigns thing I’ll personally book a flight to Copenhagen and punch every single person involved in the face.
Well obviosly you don’t know what the definition of hardcore means.
Maybe if you force yourself to complete challenges which are required to complete in months in just a speedrun in one hour maybe you should seek help at a psychiatrist.
No one is forcing you to complete these challenges.
I am here to give feedback to the developers not talking with a casual.
If you don’t like this feedback its not my problem or the problem of the developer.
It’s just yours.
I will not keep chatting with you because it seems you are just another toxic individual on the internet so muted.
Yes, adding actually original and interesting challenges instead of grindfests that take months to complete. There’s a reason the 10k target kills challenge that was in the CTT wasn’t there anymore at Freelancer’s release, we don’t need more of that.
You should also know that my previous post was sarcasm.
Maybe just get better at spotting this kind of thing or get off the internet?
The challenge is still there, they just adjusted the required number down due to the amount of feedback they got about the challenge requirements from the CTT period.
Meh, just more of grinding. This is not the way.
It was just an idea.
I mean what we wanna do when they decide developing an entire James Bond trilogy which will take the next 6 to 8 Years and doesn’t fit our taste (worst case). I mean James Bond is not Agent 47.
So no Hitman for the next 6 to 8 Years.
Do you want to keep playing this game for the next 6 to 8 Years with aleady everything unlocked. There is nothing else on the market because the stealth genre is dead atm. except for Hitman.
We don’t know what’s happening yet? 47 could very well return in the next 3 years, but it could be another 10 years. At the moment, we are sort of in a bit of limbo, but thankfully we’ve got Year 5 coming for WOA, so that ties us over for a bit
Hitman: Multiverse of Assassination
All prior Hitman games are combined to give us the ultimate Hitman experience.
The missions from Codename 47, Silent Assassin, Contracts, Blood Money, and Absolution will get their own challenges (Absolution already does, but let’s add 80 more), elusive targets, escalations, and a bunch of more content.
But most improtantly: Everything will work offline, except for the leaderboards, and custom contracts.
Also, there’ll be an alternative model for 47: Timothy Oliphant.
Sounds like a joke Gamedev doesn’t work that way. It’s little more complicated than your fantasy
Maybe in parallel universe where money and doesn’t have value.
But still I don’t understand why people want so bad “old” things instead of developing new fresh content.
What is point of bring back old missions into new Hitman? Do you realize how small was these missions with so little opportunities?
You can’t just bring back stuff to new playground because it just won’t work from game design perspective. It’s technically impossible.
Okay… Today I’ve hit 2000/2500 on GOAT challenge! Step by step it goes forward.
I should unlock this challenge by 2026 I hope
Keep up the hard work!
I’ve unlocked it and it is pretty damn cool on 47’s shelve in the Safehouse
If this crap of targets leaving the map in a rogue-like mode like Freelancer (and on Hardcore) is gonna keep happening, at least made it so that if they leave the map you get an auto win because otherwise what am I supposed to do.
Go pew pew with shooty gun?
How if the target is out of bounds, wich I can’t reach?
Most people would call that a skill issue, I call it a reason for ALT+F4.
General question: How do you think - will @IOI ever bring a fresh content for Freeelancer? I don’t mean updates or new DLC items, but new possibilites, options, new maps (Mumbai I’m looking at you) or new challenges, thins to do etc.
Unlikely. The game is running on fumes at this point. The roadmaps now mostly consist of repeated ETs/seasonal content, community created (and curated) Featured Contract batches and even community-created challenges/unlock ideas.
Without them repeating content or outsourcing to the community, the game would pretty much be dead at this point. Aside from when they sign someone famous for a CelebrET so they can sell some DLC.
The best hope is that someone suggests some challenge ideas for Freelancer that IO like (but no one really suggests challenges for Freelancer looking at the thread).

There is nothing else on the market because the stealth genre is dead atm. except for Hitman.
Spoken like someone who doesn’t know that a new Sniper Elite is literally coming out this month lol