Freelancer - General Discussion

Ya Mumbai is there already.

Personal stats would be wonderful.
Longest and shortest time on a mission, ideally with campaign stage info included.
Most frequently played map, least played mapā€¦ or rank maps by frequency played.
Most commonly / frequently chosen prestige objective, least chosen.
Most frequently completed objectives, least completed objectives.
Quantity of disguises used, per map, overall or both.

On a related note, I miss the IO Interactive infographics that they would publish, starting with Hitman [2016] and some of the Elusive Targets, and hope that they return to publishing them for new ETs, if not for new maps also (e.g., ā€œAfter 93 days since [map]'s release, this is how players eliminated the target(s)ā€.

Best regards.


100% This.

IOI have internal access to so many stats, itā€™s a damn shame we canā€™t access that data ourselves outside of demanding it in a GDPR request.

Iā€™d very much like a count of how many Freelancer campaigns & hardcore campaigns that youā€™ve beaten.


Following the recent IOI briefing, sounds like Freelancer might be getting some more attention moving forward.

Also, Combatglue (Samir) is taking back to the Devs the community request for alternate locations, such as Landside for example, to be included in the Freelancer location rotation. Would be really cool if this comes off :wink:


This is just media talk to keep interest in the game alive; I donā€™t believe in any significant changes or improvements. If they were serious about the game, real development plans would have been announced long ago. Instead, theyā€™re just throwing crumbs because they donā€™t want to allocate resources to the game but also donā€™t want to completely cut ties with it.

With all due respect, they are just media influencers. If they had something concrete, they would have already presented it. Donā€™t expect anything beyond a new CET and the standard roadmap loop weā€™ve seen so far. Sorry, Iā€™m a realist - I wonā€™t believe it until I see it.

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Well, we donā€™t know what IOI have planned to be fair? In regards to Hitman III, itā€™s just started its Year 5 worth of content, so I donā€™t think weā€™re doing bad at this stage in the games life cycle. Like Iā€™ve pointed out above, theyā€™ve teased more things for Freelancer and plans to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the franchise in November :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is losing half of the merces not enough? Is losing all the stuff we had on the mission not enough? Does Diana always break into the Safehouse and steal the toolboxes? Thatā€™s such an exorbitant penalty that it completely ruins the gaming experience.


Itā€™s a game. Consider it an incentive to git gud.

Also, you are wrong that death causes you to lose all your Freelancer tools - that only occurs if you die in an Alerted Territory or during a showdown.


Wow really? I didnā€™t know that, Iā€™m probably just too good at this game.


Iā€™m pretty sure the logic is that 47 has the cases with all the tools in them with him, even though we can only choose a limited number of items. So it would stand to reason that if he was injured and had to leave the area quickly, he would not be lugging along two giant cases of tools. Thus the tools are lost.

Or at least that makes sense to me.


Coming back to the game after many months. Did they fix the proximity micro taser recently?

I placed it on the ground and many civilians simply walked past it, and now itā€™s just lying there, sparking.

Did you happen to place it in water so that the electricity can actually be conducted to NPCs?

No. It used to work like the electrocution phone. Only civilians would pick it up and die. Only works in Freelancer mode if I remember correctly.

Yeah it was changed to remove the coin-like behavior from it, a couple of patches ago I think? (probably when it was released as an unlock in Haven)


Yeah thatā€™s kind of my understanding of the situation as well. Like @Olipro pointed out, you only loose all of your tools if you die on an alerted territory or showdown, but normal locations itā€™s just the tools that 47 in his possession that is lost :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah. People forget that the original idea was that you lose goddamned everything if you failed.


Thatā€™s a weird mechanic that should be restricted to Hardcore mode only imo.

There are a few mods out there that could help you with that if you prefer play it softly:

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When Hitman dies all the items should come spilling out of him like Sonicā€™s rings.


God can you imagine that? :open_mouth: now that would be an absolute nightmare

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I was just about to post this in the bread & butter topicā€¦

I keep playing the Big Pharma syndicates to finish up those poison related kill tasks, but I hardly ever get a leader thatā€™s hungry (a foodie) or thirsty to poison their stuff. Itā€™s insanity! :face_exhaling:

Either that, or I have a Prestige Objective that doesnā€™t allow me to kill using poison.