Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections

This is ‘normal’ behaviour because of a bug concerning the “Hide Target Bodies” objective.
When you hide your last target, the xp reward for the objective is registered twice (so you get 2000xp) and thus the game thinks you completed all three objectvies.

See my bug report about this here:


Has anyone else noticed when playing Showdowns, new NPCs (like suspects and lookouts) will sometimes get stuck and just stay in one place forever and never move? I’ve definitely noticed it a few times since the patch.

A distraction will “restart” then and get them moving - but if it happens again they are then permanently stuck. At least that I’ve found.


That bug was already there before the patch, I had it happen a couple of times before (but it could be that it’s more common now, I haven’t played Freelancer much these days so I can’t confirm that).

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I had it happen to me just yesterday. One of the suspects in Mendoza would always stay at the same spot, near the entrance, and would only leave for meetings (after which he’d go back to his spot). No tells, nothing, he’d just stay in place and cycle through a few animations.


All the way back at launch (maybe even the CTT) I got trapped in a box because a suspect parked himself in front of it forever, along with all the guards & assassins escorting him to the exit. Good times


Have had a weird bug happen today a few times. Upon loading into the mission, a few times my ICA19 Silverballer has been left at the Safehouse despite being in my inventory and it’s been swapped for Sedative Pills. :confused:

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Note: This was FL Variations, but still.

Meanwhile on a final showdown…

The Main Target has gone off-map.

WAAAAY off map. I’ll try to shoot to see if I get them.

Edit: No go. Had to disconnect.


I know clients sometimes have weird requirements for their contracts, but I think that “shoot those grapes, they’re actually a syndicate leader in disguise” is going a bit too far :thinking:


I also ran into this issue about 3 times, even caused it once by using a Sieker right as they started heading to a meeting.


I should’ve known something was up when the other suspects were dressed like this.


Had this weird prompt today while holding the fibre wire…


Still regularly loading in without weapons - be it sniper or assault rifles. Of course I’m alt+F4ing. It’s your fault, IOI.


One thing that was not mentioned in patch notes is fact that slipping target on wet floor will now count towards “Make target slip” challenge, which previously did not.


It was mentioned in the patch notes:

Slipped Past You
We’ve resolved an issue where the “Make Target Slip” objective was not completed when a target would slip on a puddle after moving a ‘wet floor’ sign. These particular puddles were being tracked with a different identifier, but now both count towards completing the objective.


Well, I guess it slipped past @BradleyPaine.


I tried to report the bug where I never get any bonus reward in showdown level 3. I completed already over 10, never got a single one. Sometimes I failed to get level 2 or 1, but it was just once or twice. Level 3 was always.

Thing is, I provided everything I could in a ticket… Then they replied with “provide us with platform, ioi linked email, a video, etc”. I provided all that BEFORE except the video, but nevertheless, i provided it again. Had to be an external link cause it wouldnt let me upload to the ticket. Then replied that I had to upload it to the ticket or youtube AND provide the info I ALREADY PROVIDED TWO TIMES… I uploaded to youtube and said I already gave the info… The last reply is the guy telling me that “we did not receive any of the information we requested”. Dude, scroll up a couple a messages, its literally there… how hard can this be!? Even then, i put effort in the video showing exactly the problem and circumstances, 1 min video.


The people that man the support tickets are morons. I once had one ask me for some information, I replied with “I don’t see how that information is relevant but here it is” and then they replied with “why did you send this information we didn’t ask for?”.

Since then I’ve not bothered with it and just post bugs in the thread on here.


If I could spawn in with my sniper every time I choose to go to a mission with a sniper, that’d be great.

Stupid buggy freelancer.

Stop trying to take away Alt+F4 when your game doesn’t work.


So true. I completely agree with you.

Just yesterday I spawned in on Berlin with the suppressed Tac AR Assault Rifle, but the Briefcase holding the assault rifle never spawned in my hand.

Good thing I play on consoles, otherwise I would have completely lost the suppressed assault rifle through no fault of my own.

If they’re gonna get rid of Alt-F4, they NEED to make sure the game functions properly. I hope they fix the bug of Briefcases not spawning in.

Another thing I wish they’d completely fix is the whole “NPC’s seeing through walls and floors thing.”