Freelancer - Pre-Release Discussion

It’s because different head models are inexplicably used. They fixed it for Season 1 unlockable suits in a patch a while ago, but not for disguises. Craig Black’s disguise is horrid too.


i hope they fix the face of 47 of the season 1 disguises and the raven suit too cause that was not fixed either


well expect the raven suit cause he still has the same head model over a year


So, no Road to Freelancer #3 in November? Are they coming this month then or were they deemed unnecessary?


I just thought of something : do we know anything on the content access policy ?

For people that only possess Hitman 3, or just some of the previous games passes. I expect that they will have access to the mode, but what then. It will automatically restrict the map pool ? Or will it give access to all maps for the game mode ?

Was this ever communicated ?


Why do you think it’s important? Most of times you see 47 from back. I don’t think that is any priority tbo. You can simply ignore it and forget it.

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No, you can’t. And the clipping happens when 47 is leaning against a wall, crouched, or blending in against a railing, allowing you to see him from the front; you can see his tie clip through his jacket. It breaks the illusion of realism, cannot simply be ignored and forgotten. It is a priority to fix, because it’s wrong.


In my opinion this isn’t fashion show or one of these japanse games where how it looks is more important than how it works. Hitman is quite complex game with tons of mechanics and I’m pretty sure that is very subiective perspective - that thing is important. For my self - I don’t even notice it.

There is a plenty of other things that break the illustion of realism much more that this thiny detail. Hitman isn’t a realism simulator. I could you type a list of things which breaks this illusion, but that will be mine perspective which you probably don’t even notice.

For example - I can’t stand that in Marakesh or Dubai hearing british voice actors. No native speakers in most of locations is a deal breaker for me. This break realism in much bigger than that funny thing. But I’m pretty sure there is a plenty of people who don’t even care about that.


Good for you. There are plenty of us who do care about it. And it doesn’t even have anything to do with fashion for many of them, but rather simply an example of poor visuals that are easily correctable. Hell, the clipping wasn’t even always there; it happened after an update last year and still hasn’t been fixed. It’s the principle of the matter: it shouldn’t be like that, so IOI needs to make it not like that, irrespective of what anyone thinks of it aesthetically. There, simple.


If they didn’t fixed yet - that means isn’t a a prority for them (what I’m fully agree that there is a lot of others bugs to address) or isn’t a easy thing to fix. I don’t event notice it in game, maybe that occurs not for everyone.

But in my case - a bug which occurs very offen is flickering of light which cover whole vision. And it occurs randomly. Sometimes it’s just ruin the game because I don’t see what I’m doing.

That breaks realism a lot lol


Just think of it as the white void from the classic games making a comeback :slight_smile:

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God, you nearly gave me a heart attack then!! :joy::joy:

I thought for a second after briefly glancing over your message this was real haha


this is hilariously wrong headed even as a sweeping generalisation.


I mean, we know that the mastery unlocks where changed for the CTT.
The bedroom showed up in the CTT as level 24 unlocks.

While in game, it kept closed, with the prompt telling of a level 31 unlock. (screen capture by @Kent)

This, plus the missing Hardcore Mode that is supposed to unlock after a single campaign, makes me think that the overall long gameplay of the mode was purposely tweaked. The CTT was made to test the base vanilla campaign loop, and nothing else. So I could see some hidden unlock there.

I mainly think of the ICA Performance Coin (which I am certain will be a mastery unlock to permanently have a simple but useful tool). But I could see more, gameplay wise (like a reduced number of tool lost at failure, maybe something for the showdown intel)
More gameplay progression than just the carrying capacity.

So I wouldn’t be surprised if the merces unlock are CTT exclusive. They would have been a good way to give a boost for the player during the short test.

(tagging @Melusca since they asked first)


They are not, they exist in levels higher than 25.

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I’m hoping all 47’s suits that you unlocked in the normal game, for example Winter Suit, Signature Suit with Gloves etc, will all be usable in Freelancer anyway.


oh they be there man all our suits

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Diana: “Excellent work, 47. You’ve spread fear within the syndicate.”

So I was watching a video and the player killed a target with the fibre wire. The thing is, why would Diana say this? It was an isolated kill. Nobody saw it. Body was not found either.

Maybe it would make sense if the body was found, maybe even by another syndicate member which would then make the syndicate leader more protected or something like that. Just found it funny that Diana says this but the kill has nothing to do with what she said.

Could make for some extra fun gameplay by having bodies found actually since freelancer isn’t really about SA apparently.

My headcanon is that she says that line (every time) because by removing the members from the Syndicate – either in public, or mysteriously-silent ways – it causes the remaining members to get more and more fearful that whoever kills the others, or whatever causes them to disappear, will come for them next.
So, it all ends in a Showdown mission:

A last-resort meeting between the high-ranking members of the secretive syndicate and their entourage of guards and assassins, trying to keep their info/intel/etc. safe before 47 can shut down their operation for good.
And you have to figure out which of the Elites is the Leader of the whole thing, because they’re just so secretive… :man_shrugging:

I only seemed to notice it in Dartmoor, but don’t the Showdown missions have extra cars in attendace at parking lots or something?
I feel there were quite a few more cars & car models along the side of Alexa Manor (near the hearse) and near the main gate – something that looked to me like an added detail of how all these new NPCs arrive to a Showdown mission.


Does she say it after the mission is over? Like, the player had already triggered the exit and the score had already been shown? Or is she saying it right after killing the target, or as the exit Cinematic is shown? If the former, it’s because the body has been found since leaving the map, and now the syndicate thinks their members are being targeted. If it’s the latter, Diana is just stating it as a given because the syndicate will inevitably become frightened when the body is found.