Freelancer - Pre-Release Discussion

I don’t think it’s set to function like an escalation, at least not in the usual sense, cut it sounds like you think that the targets that will be encountered will be based on which mission it is, rather than the map it’s one; mission one will have x amount of targets, mission two will have y amounts of targets, and so on, regardless of which order the maps were chosen, is that what I’m getting from you? That’s how I figured it would be, but I was hoping it would be the other way.

If the first level has the least amount of targets (assuming each level has progressively more targets) any missions that involve Colorado, Santa Fortuna i.e. the levels people generally don’t like will definitely get picked first! :joy:

Just my guess, I think each map will have just one target and possibly one/multiple objective(s). That way the order won’t matter. And I don’t think the targets will be unique. Just a regular level NPC chosen at random every time you play.

I do still hope that they won’t just be assigning pre-existing NPCs as the targets. Most of them don’t really have very good movement loops and quite a few of them don’t do much beyond just stand there in a lot of cases. We’ll see (hopefully) soon though! Spring starts in just another month or so.


I’m not sure if this is set after H3 or not, i assume it is, but i hope they remove the main targets from the missions and the ICA Agents from Berlin, it would kill the immersion for me, maybe that’s a lot of work though, i know we seen Claus Strandberg in the Year 2 reveal stream so they’re probably still going to be there.

I think the worst offenders would be like The Constant on Isle Of Sgail or Alexa Carlisle “hey i’m sure i killed you before, oh and Zachary is still dead in his bed, you should move him”.

As for who the targets will be on these missions, i’m just gonna go in assuming they will be regular NPC’s or guards and see it as a Contracts+ mode, i’m still looking forward to it. Another thing i hope is that they’ll make use of the Mumbai SA, Mendoza Envy & Dartmoor Wrath lightings


They’ve done this to the ET’s a few times; The Heartbreaker omits Diana, Vidal and Yates. Same with the ICA Agents in Berlin when The Liability was a thing.

They won’t get rid of every NPC; that’s unfeasible and it’s require a lot of reworking the maps.

Mumbai Silent Assassin?

Dartmoor Wrath is too dark, they really need to tweak it.

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I think you mean Mumbai Illusions of Grandeur

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I’m curious, do people think we will get the mode in one drop with every contract that it will ever have, or will they spread the contracts out over a period of time to keep people coming back instead of just burning through everything in one go? Kinda like what is going to happen with the ET Arcade.

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could this cutscene from Hitman 2 be the answer to the hideout’s location?

awfully similar…


‘Special Assignment’ like @Peterchu said, i meant Illusion of Grandeur :smile:

Yeah true it is, Mendoza is still nice though and Mumbai, it seems a waste for them to only be used on a Special Assignmemt and an Escalation

I feel like with a rogue-like, “endless” type mode that Freelancer could be, we might get a batch of initial combinations of targets, complications, objectives, etc.

Theres no telling if we’re getting everything at launch, or just doled out piecemeal (that thought hadn’t even crossed my mind), or if some other things are going to be developed and added in an update in the future, but i wouldn’t rule it out based on how this game works on a Live-Service level.

I just hope we get a good portion of content to play and replay, and discover once Freelancer launches. It already looks like they have a wide variety of ideas and concepts so that’s promising.
In retrospect, we really didn’t see as much of ET Arcade before that came out, so i don’t think we need to worry about Freelancer’s launch so much compared to ETA.

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Here’s hoping they give us at least 4 at a time. Since there’s supposed to be 16 total campaigns, 4 total releases with 4 at a time seems fair enough.

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Do we know for sure that the primary target will be a new NPC? Will any of the other targets be new NPCs? Or is this just like IO creates an contract in contracts mode and strings 4 together with a story ?

They did say and show in the video that leader targets will have guards. So it already changes the approach of every npc. I’m just wondering how it actually will be. I’m really excited to play this mode.

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Yeah, the option to choose what location you can play in what order, changing the venue where you meet the primary target, is a major selling point for me, along with the huge array of campaigns.

That, plus the fact that they are all up-and-coming criminal organizations that are trying to fill the power vacuum of all the others that 47 just spent 3 games destroying. With Providence, the militia, the Delgado Cartel, IAGO, Liberation, the Mumbai mafia and others all gone, and no ICA to keep everyone in check, it’s no wonder all these groups are vying for control, practically lining themselves up in 47’s crosshairs for a massive payout, because somebody out there will fork over some cash to see these pricks go away.

I hope in freelancer the old locations could be changed into an “after the event” edition.
For example, Dubai not remain on the opening ceremony, Dartmoor not on Zeckery’s death and Alexa’s coming back, etc. Hope to see some reaction for the past years, like we may overhear people talking about Alexander Fanin’s resignation.
Wish that in Freelancer we could truly feel what 47 had done in the main game, and the impact he had on the world, instead of just an “Escalation, freelance edition”.
I really wish to see more adjustment to fit in the “one year later” background… but I really doubt it would be…

The Delgado Cartel is still running in the charge of Hector Delgado. though the rest are all gone.

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That guy couldn’t even run a letter to Andrea Martinez let alone an entire cartel. :joy:


I don’t believe Hector is tough enough to run the cartel, but a conversation in Mendoza confirms it.
Perhaps he just got stimulated by the death of his brother and beloved (no place for you, Fanco :slight_smile:)

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No, we don’t. And I guess that’s what it will basically be. Strung together contracts. Though they made it sound like the primary target will be guarded and probably be not visible on the minimap. At least that’s my take on it.

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Is it just me, or does it seem like the wait for this is taking even longer than the wait for H3 itself? I guess that’s because we all knew H3 was coming, and we all sort of knew what direction it was going to go, but Freelancer was announced out of the blue with no idea from any of us that they were doing this, and frankly since it’s got almost the scope of a 4th game, and it was revealed that it would be released so close to its announcement date, I’m getting really restless waiting for it to drop! :persevere: