Game News Thread

Seems to be a running trend with this game.

Good CEO pet pet :palm_down_hand:


Given how the suits are called ā€˜Freshā€™ and ā€˜Flyā€™ I am going to assume based on those names and absolutely nothing else that these suits might be inspired by the Hip-Hop scene in the 80s

Honestly I kinda like them even if they are impossibly garish. (Or do I like them because they are so garish?). Much better than Milesā€™ Hellfire Suit which they are also adding (though Peterā€™s Hellfire Suit is better than Milesā€™ gala suit.)

When are they adding the Paul skin I keep asking for?

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Okay, okay, Alright Iā€™ll give you that and say that they were on-themeā€¦

Though, my one question about that theme in the first placeā€¦

Still think they can cash in on the 80ā€™s Nostalgia wave that happened a few years back.


A lot of young kids just love the 80s plus Miles has always been given a Golden Age of Hip-Hop sort of aesthetic at times along with being a fan of the genre in universe as well.

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Dying Light 2 adds an update tomorrow ā€“ apparently ā€œtheir biggest yetā€ that adds guns, lighting and model improvements, quest tweaks, ā€œsurprises for DL1 fansā€ and moreā€¦
(People are hoping/expecting the return of Tolga and Fatin, oddball genius twins, to be the reason behind the sudden appearance of all these guns in the sequelā€¦)

It will also be rebranding its Standard Edition as ā€œReloaded Editionā€ which will include the current Story DLC 1 for free ā€“ and current owners of the Standard Edition will get upgraded for free woohoo


Dead Island 2 just sorta shadow dropped onto Gamepass.

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Guess my chances of getting a PSVR2 just went up. (Not that I have a PC powerful enough for VR but the option is nice)

Pleeeeease make a PSVR2 Support for Hitman WOA please :pray::pray: @Combatglue :pleading_face:??


Well, I just finished beating the original Legend of Zelda. So much fun!


You know I do need to get a new lawnmower soon

Also obi-wan kenobi can now fight Rayman


Maybe they should have just made a Superman game instead

Or a Batman Beyond game evenā€¦ :cry:


Reminds me of Square Enix impression of H2016.


They werenā€™t even happy with Absolution to begin with, and that sold better than 2016. It was just SE being dumb, this on the other hand is a case where the game is just not attracting players

Lowest player count was 130 on Steam :skull:


The gameā€™s by no means doing well, but the 130 player count valley was when they were doing server maintenance for the recent patch so nobody could play it. A patch which while it fixed some things introduced a bug where the game often gets stuck on a load screen after doing Incursion missions so the player count gets reduced even more.

I think itā€™s just unfortunate all around. The game has a lot of good elements, and itā€™s a rare game that I want to keep coming back to, even after completing everything major. Not many games have that distinction for me, the other 4 Arkham games and Hitman 3 are also like that. I normally hate shooters (much less looter shooters) but Iā€™ve had a great time with this. As long as the offline mode actually gets added I wouldnā€™t even mind if the game doesnā€™t get all four announced seasons of content.

But of course the worst part is itā€™ll be Rocksteady that gets all the blame for the game failing and suffers for it. And WB is guaranteed gonna try other live service games hoping to still manage to make it big, and have another game studio that has no experience with live service to do a live service game and get surprised when it doesnā€™t work out. Maybe theyā€™ll have TT Games do a live service LEGO game.


It truly is a shame, when it works, the game is genuinely a blast to play, there was definitely a lot of passion put into it. Itā€™s like a much more streamlined version of the Division that I can jump into, that actually respects your time. But unfortunately the stars were aligned for this game to not be a success (live service/loooter shooter fatigue, having this be a continuation of the Arkhamverse as opposed to a Justice League/Superman game, etc.) Hopefully the next patch gets the game into a better place, they literally canā€™t afford another mishap right now.


Board gaming seems to of really taken off in the last few years, partly due to the quarantine. We seem to also be getting lots of board game adaptations of video games. Even so, I did a bit of a double take when I read that they were doing a Kickstarter campaign for a board game version of Dying Light. I mean, how do you take what was awesome about Dying Light, like the zombies, parkour, and day/night system and put onto cardboard?

Well, with dice, cardboard buildings, and stickers that light up under UV light. Looks kindof fun, not gonna lie.



The gameĀ“s description alone is enough to make me wanna buy/play itā€¦ (I absolutely love the name ideas though, for both the planet and the game itself)





Thatā€™s awesome