General News 1.0

So it hasn’t been a week in America (maybe not even a day) and we already have not one…

Not two…

But three terror attacks.


If there’s a photo that summarizes America’s “Start as you mean to go on” approach to 2025, this would be it.



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Hakeem Jeffries:
Its Me Sport GIF by My Spy - Find & Share on GIPHY


Not that it will happen, but how many Republicans would have to vote for Jeffries for him to get a majority?

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Nice to see this cunt has his priorities straight in his final days in office. Scumbag.


Well, maybe the Republican-controlled Congress will deny it as a last act of defiance against Biden and they’ll be unintentionally useful.

If it helps to know, we’ll be handing foreign policy back to this guy.

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Farewell Justin


Unfortunately, this is years too late.

I am not a fan of any Canadian political party, especially the Conservatives, but I said back in 2021 when Trudeau won a second minority government that he will not win the next election. The Liberals are screwed, as they have had no time to establish a new party leader that could distance themselves from Trudeau and create their own policies. All the Conservative Party has in Blame Trudeau and three word slogans, no actual policy outside of playing to social media outrage. The easiest thing the Liberals could have done was Trudeau to step aside and establish some new policies based on countering the Conservative outrage, and then the Conservatives have no platform.

Trudeau’s narcissism and saviour complex has completely fucked his party. There was always going to be an election in 2025, unless there was a non confidence vote. Not to mention the very much known US election in 2024. Regardless of what I thought of his policies, to me this is a biggest sign of incompetence in his leadership in that he never planned for any succession.


Oh darn he was only around half a decade too late.

Agreed. After the minority government win in 2019, I was hoping the Liberal Party would evaluate the leadership and transition to the next leader. Of course, the Covid-19 pandemic happened in earlier 2020, which was not the time to start this. I can understand this.

However, after the “stars-in-eye” power grab election in 2021 because Trudeau mistook reasonable polling numbers as a permission to call a snap election, which still gave him a (second) minority government, the Liberal Party should have done a leadership evaluation (I would have hoped before that election was even called).

With the CPC going through its own leadership change in 2022 and PP having the only platform of “Blame Trudeau,” this was the time for the Liberals to change leadership and establish new policies to distance from Trudeau.

Social media interactions are incentivized, and monetized, for outrage, which the Conservatives have gladly tapped into. I can’t change the fact the election in 2021 happened, but the Liberals should have moved on from Trudeau in early 2023 at the latest. Now they will face a Conservative Party fuelled by social media unrest for almost 3 years with either a) an unproven party leader, or b) someone too closely associated with Trudeau which will only validate and grow their current (lack of) platform.

Which is unfortunate, as blaming the current leader and three word slogans do not make policies that will help the population.

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Yes but they do work well when you have a voting body that only sees elections as a means to vote people out rather than vote policy in.

So I hope Potty-ville or whoever he is doesn’t fuck up your country too much while he is in charge.

On the bright side, Trump would stop being an asshole to Canada with someone more like-minded as Prime Minister, right?

When has Trump ever stopped being an asshole? He treats his own cronies like shit constantly! Being like-minded has never stopped Trump turning on an ally blindly.


Based on his interactions with Australia… doesn’t seem he bothers to pay attention to the politics and policies of the head of state - just the vibes of the nation and their party name.


I believe there was a quote from one of his own aids, speaking anonymously of course, which went something along the lines of: everyone thinks Trump is playing chess, but his staff is spending most days just trying to make sure he doesn’t eat the pieces.




Damn autocorrect.

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The amount of idiots who think War Crimes are OK actually is completely staggering.