HITMAN 3 - Bug Report Thread

Platform: PC

Location: Paris

Description: When disguised as a low-level security guard, CICADA bodyguards would “kindly” ask 47 to step out of the wrong area when we rushed up the staircase blocked by bouncers leading to the auction floor (this staircase is the one on the west side of the palace). But if we just dashed in front of him and ran back, they would lead us straight to the ground floor without saying a word. The trouble is that one of the guards there could see right through our disguise! And on the other side (east) of the stairs, running around like this doesn’t allow the bodyguards to prompt 47’s disguise to be detected.

Steps to reproduce: Disguise as a security, then run away as mentioned above. Then you can see it. Before 47 throws any excuses.

Frequency: I think it a mechanical problem, as it occurs every time I try.

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