Hitman 3 Location Speculation

I certainly hope so. Like you say, Tren being abroad is plausible, while with Jin/Sun it’s less likely (but still possible). Either way, I hope we do get them one way or another, though hopefully not as ETs (that would be a waste imo).

A crossover?? Gimme!! :joy:

Which is also why it’s good it’s a fictional country with a number of inspirations. There are NK influences, but several other that would allow it to be distinct enough :wink:

I don’t think that would be a problem. If it doesn’t address Chinese politics, then there’s no reason for it.

I think Chongqing is a far cry from Pyongyang though :joy:

Yeaaah… Now if the Chongqing level doesn’t have the English street signs we saw in the announcement trailer, that’s gonna make me wonder… :thinking: