As much as it was less Year 5 informations as I wished for.
(and I think it’s more because year 5 will be less than I wish for in general, with not a lot that could be even hinted at, and besides it was the best that could be said for January)
The dev interview was great.
It was exactly what I wished for.
A look back to the development from today’s perspective.
Main highlights from this briefing for me are the below!
25th Anniversary of the Franchise in November. There will likely be a big roadmap around this I think!
Freelancer will likely be getting more attention going forward. Samir taking back to the Devs community request for alternate locations to be added to Freelancer rotation. Would be really cool if this comes off.
Lots more roadmaps coming across this year!
Looking forward to seeing what’s ahead and there certainly seems to be a lot of surprises coming judging by the hints.
Also, big thanks to @LandirtHome for giving us the breakdown from the briefing. Legend!
Ahh… More Celeb ETs huh… Well I guess that means re-runs of all the ones we’ve got so far. (Any word on if they’re gonna rework The Disruptor??) and cool, kinda, I guess, if we’re getting a New one or two this year… Gotta admit, ETs have lost their lustre with me, even if a lot of Hitman 3’s targets tended to add new layouts to the map.
If new maps or alternate locations are out of the question, then I hope at least they can put work into making a map-altering Escalation sometime again… Those were fun…
Anyway, I manifest Keanu Reeves.
No way, he really say this?!
If it actually goes anywhere and they actually implement alternate locations/times of day I’ll be so so so happy. Gosh Freelancer deserves so much more. Or at least some interesting quality of life features as PC Freelancer Modding gets…
25th Anniversary of the Franchise in November. There will likely be a big roadmap around this I think!
Lots more roadmaps coming across this year!
If IOI use frases like “Big”, “A lot”, “Huge”, etc you should already know it that everything should be interpreted in antonyms “Small”, “Barely”, “Tiny” etc
He read my comment out loud about map variations breathing life into the mode and I felt so honored hahah
But it also means that they for sure know its something we want and that gives me a little hope
Yesterday, during the livestream, they mentioned the cut mission about the Caruso brothers. I hope it wasn’t just a meaningless mention, but rather a hint about new content to be released during Year 5.
If they were going to bring back anything related to Renzo and Orlando, it wouldn’t be the mission that they discussed. It would be a reworking of the cut The Brothers ET since it was basically done.
All it needs is a few tweaks to make it fit within the story they ended up telling in the main campaign and its good to go out as relatively cheap “new” content.
Yeah, it would be really cool if it comes off wouldn’t it? He said on the briefing it’s going back to the Devs, so I guess it’s just a waiting game now to see if it comes to fruition. On a positive note, Samir did say it was a really good idea!
Thanks again for bringing it to their attention. It would be great if it comes off wouldn’t it?