Introduce yourself / I had a forum account (JJT) but couldn't find it?

Hi! I was a member of the hitmanforum in end of 2018 start of 2019 when I was going through blood money and hitman 2016, introduced myself as Ive played every hitman. Bought hitman 2 although life got in the way and I didnt get round to playing it until last week would you believe and have fell in love again. Just in time for hitman 3. Question, Does your account get deleted if you are not on the forum much? As I had an old account.
Just wondering
Many Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


The old Forum is no more, like 3 days or so. Everyone had to make a new account on the new forum.

Welcome back, btw!


Awe thanks for the quick reply! That’s great :raised_hands:
Kind regards


Holy shit I thought I was banned / account was deleted or something lol. thankfully I found an answer