Magicdave’s Magical Mystery Tour - Featured Contracts Submissions Thread

Hello everyone, it is my great pleasure to announce that I have been given the go ahead on a Featured Contracts batch, and submissions are officially open!

As you might be able to guess, the theme of Magical Mystery Tour is, of course, simply…

:magic_wand: MAGIC :magic_wand:

Feel free to let your imagination run wild with this!

As long as there is a good link it could be anything: using a magical/mystical disguise, a reference to a magic-related film or song, some sort of “trick”, a target you think looks like a witch, a pun, even just a little narrative element in the briefing… The mystery element is secondary, but again, you’re free to get creative.

It can be on any map, and there is no restriction on the type of contract either - accidents only, a puzzle, SONKO, whatever takes your fancy. I am open to anything.

Just please, no glitch or modded contracts.

The only other caveats on creation I have are no auto-fail complications, also ideally nothing overly obscure and if you have a required exit complication, try to list it or at least hint at it in the briefing.

I will also say I want to have some variety in both style and location, so don’t everybody just submit vampire magician contracts. They are welcome, I will consider them, but I would like to see predominantly anything else really (especially as, to nobody’s surprise, that disguise may end up being used for my own contract in any case :wink:).

To submit your contract please include the following:

  • Creator name:
  • Contract ID:
  • Platform:
  • Contract Title:
  • Contract Briefing:
  • Contract Details (targets/kill conditions/complications):
  • A short description of the contract (optional):
  • Suggested contract image(s) or description/idea: (I can help with screenshots if needed)

You may submit as many contracts as you wish.

TLDR Rules:

  • No glitch or modded contracts.
  • No auto-fail complications.
  • No explicit or copyrighted content.

Deadline to submit is 23rd March, 11:59 PM GMT.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing your contracts! :man_mage:


Yeah, featured contracts are back, and by magicdave himself! As soon as I think something up I’ll upload it. Do I have to add any pictures?


better just take a screenshot in game and make some Photoshop… unless you can hired a artist who will paint all thumbnails of this batch…

Creator name:Quartz Tan
Contract ID:
1-20-6951227-27 – Epic
1-20-6523664-43 – Steam
2-20-7070123-00 – Playstation
3-20-2075739-69 – Xbox
Contract Title:Sho-kku
Contract Briefing:in the screenshot
Contract Details (targets/kill conditions/complications):

A short description of the contract (optional):
shotgun kill but in a long distance… the key to solve this is find a true magical way…
Suggested contract image(s) or description/idea:


Creator name:AWIND
Contract ID:1-11-1649564-09(Steam)
Contract Title:Friendship is ICA
Contract Briefing:in the screenshot

Forgive me I don’t have contract image.
I mistake the target order,the third one should be the first.
Contract details are following


Yay, congrats to you Dave! Finally the old contract selection format is back!


And here are Contract Details (targets/kill conditions/complications):

Purple Streak Suit:D


Ideally a picture of the contract details as you can see in the above submissions at least. Just a pic on your phone will do if you can’t take it in game, as long as I can read it.

You can submit a screenshot to use as the “cover art” or just describe how you’d like it to look, if you want.


@magicdave94, time limit contracts are allowed?


Any complications can be included in your submissions as long as they are “optional” and don’t auto-fail.

  • Creator name: The Elite Institute
  • Contract ID: 4-29-4862033-48
  • Platform: Switch
  • Contract Title: The Call of the Elder Tree
  • Contract Briefing: That which is not dead can eternal lie. Three sacrifices by water must be made to commence the awakening, along with a strong body to be consumed. The Elder Tree will grow once more.
  • Contract Details (targets/kill conditions/complications): Three drownings, one any method, florida man outfit.
  • A short description of the contract (optional): The idea is that the hippy Florida Man is a worshipper of the Elder Tree that lies at the heart of Berlin. It has spoken to him and required that it be watered at three points forming a triangle around the tree - the initial three targets. The final target is stood by the roots and will be consumed by the tree - thus requiring death by any fashion.
  • Suggested contract image(s) or description/idea:

I wished IOI would release the vampire magician as an unlockable so we can use it on any map for this batch although wasnt that one a trespass everywhere suit?


Me too! Maybe IOI will give me an extra treat and release it around when this batch comes out :pray: But no it isn’t trespassing everywhere, it’s allowed down in the normal party area. But if it was an unlock it would just work like a suit anyway like super fan.


I think it would be worth coming up with a challenge or set of challenges with a vampire/magic theme.


Damn another great FC submission thread and I still got no inspiration :confused:


Got over a month to find some, or you can always use an old contract if you have one that fits!


Eliminate as vampire could be a requirement, it wouldnt have to be mendatory not to break the instafail rule.

If not, maybe for a future batch as people mentioned.

Unsuccesful suicide
ID EGS: 1-18-3515310-29


Contract ID: 1-03-9177568-29

Platform: Epic

Submitter name: Fenixsandr

Contract Title: Three chords

It seems like it’s as simple as three chords. But what do you use to blow up a propane tank?

Brief Description:

The main purpose of this contract is hippy. The first two targets are created for - so that it is not possible to take any fuse, the time limit does not allow you to go down to the basement to get the smuggled item.(Although maybe speedrunners will think of something) Even with a shot you can’t blow up propane. So how do you blow up propane?
Location: Sapi