IMO that didn’t really come as a surprise, the Undying brought in all of the old Hitman Fans while the Disruptor brought in a whole slew of newcomers to WOA.
Well, we don’t know for definite Year 5 is going to happen. It was only not that long ago that IOI stated in an interview that support for Hitman WOA had begun winding down.
Here’s the quote:
“There’ll be more chapters written in the Hitman story, that’s for sure,” Elverdam says. But for now, 47 is preparing to put down his weapons for a little while. Support for Hitman has started “ramping down”, we’re told, and is now the smallest team in the company.
It would be cool if we saw a Year 5, but unfortunately, I don’t see it happening
My thinking is the opposite - the only reason I don’t see Year 5 happening is if one of the unreleased projects are slated for release next year.
If this PR spin is to be believed and brought in a lot of new players that bought the game (and didn’t just use the Free Starter Pack to play it), a Year 5 would make sense to do if its still causing influxes to the sales numbers. Aside from The Disruptor, costs for what we’ve had so far in Y4 would be pretty low - the staff still working on WoA would still be getting paid if they got moved over to another project.
So unless they don’t believe that Y4 has been the reason that they got the sales they did in 2024 and would’ve happened regardless - I don’t see why they wouldn’t Y5. They can continue to use it as a marketing tool in a bid to earn more money than they would in year without a new title releasing.
As long as it’s not another rapist…
Ugh, If having a year 5 means another year of rererererererecycled ETs no thanks. I don’t mind having just a couple of challenges and FCs each season, but please, just retire that game mode already.
Best to avoid celebrities then. Can’t really tell anymore and the odds are probably bette than not that if you pick one at random…
I will always maintain that the best case scenario for a Year 5, or whichever number the last year would be, is a focused incremental archiving/availability of the live content.
One Elusive target released as permanent content per week would occupy the game for almost the entire year (36-39 of them), at minimum production cost.
It would be a proper bow, and ideal for the long tail the game certainly will have.
(bonus if The Coin™ is released for completing them all)
The largest issue of it is that IOI would have to be certain a year in advance that this will be the last year. No more reserve, sudden ventures, or improvised pipeline. A risky call, shy to be made.
HITMAN is now a hub, so there is enough potential content for a year 5: new maps, new targets, new missions, new game modes, weapons, bugs and fixes…
I know a LOT of people are willing to spend on new maps and missions, myself included
It’s all up to them now
The dream would be to get one new map, so that the trilogy caps out at a nice even 20 sandbox locations with 20 Mastery levels
If Year 5 happens then that’s fantastic news for us!! just after reading the interviews early this year stating that content for Hitman WOA had begun winding down, that’s what made me think Year 5 was doubtful, but again like you said, we didn’t know that the new Elusive Targets were going to bring in a whole new load of players, so that can only be a postive for us that a Year 5 is more likely
We could easily have another Year of content for the game. Not too sure on new maps, but new Elusive Targets, like the Drop and the Disrupter are certainly likely, especially after the increase in new players. Also, Freelancer has plenty of more scope for additional content, so hopefully a potential Year 5 would see further additions to the game mode
ooh ure an edgy boi arent ya?
Crazy idea i just had: stop drip feeding the 5 year old game with meaningless content and just make a new one
I’m not buying the DLC, so decided to do a clean run of the ETA while I can. Two more different approaches, pretty basic ones but still. SO could be done faster and probably also without loadout, but decided to go with more stylish approach.
P.S.: I hate that goddamn jacket glitch so much.
You have to run in a very tight circle and allow the cloth physics to make it come out between his torso and abdomen.
Or just crouch and stand up. Usually works for me. Changing disguise, if that’s an option for you, also tends to work.
And if they go for Year 5 they might as well go for Year 6 too and have a decade of WoA
Huh, maybe that’s the goal. Maybe they’ll stretch out the content to hit a 10-year anniversary with WoA before finally calling it quits.
Year 5 is likely as it’s a nice milestone to round the game off, but I can’t see us going until Year 6. We might not even see a Year 5 yet either so let’s just wait and see.
I’m just focusing on Year 4 at the moment and anticipating what’s left to come
If IOI goes for “10 years of WoA”, they don’t need to go for Year 6. Hitman came out in march 2016.
New years starts in February/March, ends mid-January. February usually off.
That’s Year 5 plus an apotheosis announced at the end of it, and released just after.
Which I could see be feasible. Maybe even wise on production preparation.
(i just want IOI to butter the landing of the trilogy)