Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-13-4637583-19
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: Jokerj
Contract Title: Pirates of Mumbai
Briefing: Practiced throughout time
Induced into the Mumbai slums
Rated dangerously in the city
A man’s dream had just begun
The Crows are out to seek
Eliminating the glums.

Of course we’ve set you this task
For this is a very big ask.

Mumbai will be in fear
Until their consequences have been severe
Mumbai will feel secure
Because the pirates will be no more
And after all this gluck
I wish you, 47, good luck.

Brief Description: Idea of Wazir being a pirate so i took him and 3 other elite thugs as the main ‘leaders’ if you will and killing these 4 will bring peace to Mumbai.
Location: Mumbai