Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-08-3853525-69
Platform: Xbox
Submitter Name: Canucklehead X
Location: Bangkok
Contract Title Pressure Cooker


Chef Tharn Srisai is a world-renowned chef for his creative menus with his Soylent ™ ingredients. His high standards has caused his kitchens to have a high turnover of staff, mainly due to their inability to handle his kitchen and ingredients. A recent health inspection at his restaurant at the Himmapan Hotel has caused him to rethink how his staff are handled while keeping fresh ingredients, and he has reached out to professional cleaners to work in the background unnoticed. Bon appétit.

Brief Description
The kitchen is a stressful place, and I can’t imagine the heat of one in a place like Bangkok.

Image Suggestion
Take your pick, I hear the taste varies person to person.

Edit: D’oh! Forgot the photos.