Official Community URBEN Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Huiqing Wen is one of several NPCs that only appear after 47 hacks the data core. I chose him specifically because he always spawns in one specific place; the other masked facility guards that spawn in after the data core is hacked will spawn in random locations in the ICA Data Facility. Once you know where he spawns, then you know where to blow him up.

Yes, the Jeremy Bolt suicide story is the only way to get a Facility Guard outfit without knocking out anyone, at least as far as I know. It’s fairly easy to get his disguise, though - once he initiates jumping off the platform, just run into him and he’ll just collapse on the platform, where it’s easy to take his disguise.

@Urben made the original “The Jeremy Blackout Privilege” back in March, poking fun at the Featured Contracts “Media Blackout” and “Vatican Privilege”. I had fun solving his little puzzle, and I discovered some interesting things while doing so, so then I escalated it by making my own contract, “The Jeremy Blackout Privilege MK II”, much to @Urben’s chagrin. And then, of course, because of my own sick compulsion, I had to take it even one more step further and make “The Jeremy Blackout Privilege MK III” to fully complete a Hitman style Escalation challenge.

Since @Urben started the “The Jeremy Blackout Privilege” concept, he might find it funny to feature my creation this month since he’s in charge of selecting the Featured Contracts, which is really the only reason I submitted it to be featured. There is, however, a viable and reproducible path that I found to getting a 5-star SA rating on all 3 contracts, although it does take about 30-40 minutes to pull off on each run. I would love to see the usual YouTube Hitman channels figure out and do a full walkthrough of this contract, if it gets featured!