Returning to the game

Updates are being made usually once per month.
Something is fixed, something is changed, something is added. Sometimes something is broken.
Usual process, I would say. If you’re interested to see details, go to page and search for “HITMAN 3 – [month] Patch (3.xx)” posts.

One of updates brought Dartmoor Garden Show unique Escalation in the game.
Event is held in modified version of Dartmoor location. It’s totally free for all HITMAN 3 owners and available in Dartoor Destination tab.
All the details about it you can find here:

7 Deadly Sins DLC has a few gamechanging items I would say. Makes some things easier.
Won’t give any spoilers

They are just escalations

Mixed feedback.
Personally I would say, if you’re going to buy them for new missions - it’s not worth it.
They are not missions or locations. Just Escalation Contracts. But if you like Escalations as a content itself, you may look into it.
If you’re buying the DLC for new items, like weapons, gadgets or suits - it’s worth it

Usually 2 Elusive Targets per month. One is totally new for HITMAN 3 locations only, and one is old, taken from previous two games. Both are active for 10 days.
Schedule is usually new target released at the start of month, old is released closer to the end of the month.
At this very moment the brand new Elusive Target is active, till 14:00 CEST, October 11th.
If you wish, you can see all the details about new target here: Elusive Target #13: The ASCENSIONIST (Year 3 : 8 - 18 September 2023)