SONKO Challenges

Thank you for the nice words and for this great contract. I saw your run and it was amazing, great route too! :wink:


I think # 99 will be up here in about 3 days to a week


I don’t even consider @HITMANIST @helpwhite s’ runs to compare with any of ours. Those guys play on a different plane. If you like bodyshottin’ NPCs, go for it.

I wouldn’t let it bother you at all though. I’ve never seen a Hitmanist/hamushi/helpwhite run last longer than 1:45 :rofl:

It is awesome to see those guys treat maps like fucking playgrounds.

Your runs have been great IMHO.

FWIW, I learned the art of pistol distractions from @HITMANIST in 2016, on a ICA Facility contract I think. It was eye opening.


Thank you @ColdDayInHell. Honestly, I don’t consider myself good with this game, and I don’t compare my playstyle with those of the most experied speedruner, I barely played any contract until few days ago.
I was tired about this game, and it get often on my nerves how broken it is. And the last contents didn’t helped neither. What it’s keeping me here, and what’s is keeping me playing a game that I love/hate at same time, is the nice community found in this forum, and honestly, this last days, I’m having a blast playing Hitman, like never before.
I don’t really care about time and score, I still enjoy watching how many players approach this game as they can or wish, and still learning from them, speedruners or casual players like me.

Probably someday I’ll become inactive again, but for now I’m having fun, and this counts to me.
Again, thanks to you, and all the great community there, especially the ones of the Sonko community. :grinning:


Nice one, 3:28, same start/exit as you but it can be faster without bullshit boosting.

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Like I said, my boost failed, so if anything it only slowed me down

Boosts in SONKO…

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SONKO Challenge #98 (1:52) @PapaLevy

It was a very fun contract :+1:


SONKO Challenge #98 NO LOADOUT(PapaLevy)(2:59)

HITMAN3SONKO Challenge #98 NO LOADOUT(PapaLevy) - YouTube


Amazing run man! Very clinical. Those lures on the block guards was a very big wow moment.

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This was very impressive to watch as well. No loadout and it was almost faster than my loadout strat

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@Parsime the amount of distractions and lures you pulled off during the first seconds of the contract is simply amazing. That run was insane, congratulations.:ok_hand:t2:

@fgdsa_99 great no loadout run, you managed to destroy me with a better route, great job! :+1:t2:

These runs show how great is this contract.


Very nice run! I always forget about this start.


I didn’t forget it, but when I tried with this start my time was 3:30 which means my strat from balcony sucked.

Most of times, I still use the balcony starting point, even when playing main mission. I think it’s a good starting point: it’s a suit starts, you have easy access to the top floor of the Block (where you easily find Hush and other possible targets), you can grab easily the one propane flask on the whole map, you can access the roof part and even slide the pipe to one of the entrance on the ICA facility. It has almost everything you need.

Can I take #102 ID for my contract?


I played sonko #56 today. God, it was exaustuing.! :dizzy_face:

This was an hardcore challenge, I still can’t believe I managed to pulled it off somehow. But it was satisfying to achieve SA on this run.

Also, I’d say the crossbow is a nice addition for sonko challenges.


@PapaLevy after 96min of running it again, painfully… I got 2:46. :rofl: I killed everyone but the lady in Hush’s break room? area.

I used my own strategy, @Parsime got real lucky with the rooftop guard lure. Great work as always.


Well, how would you get a time if you didn’t kill kill all? :thinking:


I killed all targets but the lady***** in hush’ break room.* :wink:

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