Speculations about Project 007

The last Bond game was eleven years ago, and ironically enough, the World of Assassination trilogy has been the closest thing we’ve had to a Bond game since then.

Project 007 will be surely share lots of similarities to Hitman, with a third-person perspective, and involving exploring sandbox levels in exotic locations full of wealthy people and using gadgets to progress.

Previous Bond games are mostly straight-up shoot-em-ups, but I guess Project 007 will be more about stealth and exploration rather than massive gunfights (just like Hitman again). Old Bond games also have plenty of driving sections, so let’s hope there’s some of them in there. Most previous games also have split-screen multiplayer deathmatches, which, whilst unlikely, would be great.

As for levels, there’s almost certainly going to be a casino map and some sort of lavish party…but how about sone classic Bond movie locations and a snowy ski resort? Mmm.

IO are also creating their own James Bond, so whatever this guy is like will set the tone of the game. Will he be playful and fun like Moore or serious and joyless like Craig? Let’s hope it’s the former!

Anyway, speculation over.


James Bond will be able to dual wield handguns AND he will be able to put someone into a neck lock while they are both standing on a staircase.

i assume that bond will be to hitman what baldur’s gate 3 is to divinity original sin 2. not in terms of quality but in shared design dna.

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almost everyone who worked on hitman in the last 15 years left the company

the game will be a flop