Thank you and goodbye!

Hello Hitman community!

I want you all to know that my time is up and I’ve decided to leave IOI this month.

For the past 4,543 days I’ve been working on Hitman and trying to bridge the gap between the studio and its players. I want to thank you all for making that time as enjoyable as it has been for me.

When I joined IOI back in 2011, I was their youngest employee. Not so much anymore. And now I leave as the 24th longest-serving employee. Throughout my time, I was part of the team for Sniper Challenge, Absolution, HITMAN 1, HITMAN 2, Hit Mango, Sniper 1+2, and of course, HITMAN 3.

Ultimately, I leave IOI feeling proud about what I have achieved here, and of the community that the game now has. I have come to learn that this game means a lot to many of you, for very different reasons, and I have huge respect for the amount of energy, creativity and patience that you have for it.

Over the years, the Hitman franchise has come to mean so much to me too, also for many different reasons. I hope that was apparent to all of you. My employee number at IOI even ends with those two famous numbers that are not a name. Maybe it was a sign.

From accidentally leaking the Sapienza trailer, starting the IOI Monthly/Insider stream through a PS4, spending 47 minutes on stage with David Bateson at Eurogamer Expo and shouting random words because Sven and I secretly knew that the forum was playing a bingo-card drinking game, denying the existence of the HITMAN 2 door, pumping the patch notes full of references for my own amusement (which one time led to them being the top post on the Destiny subreddit – proud moment!), tweeting about anything that ever mentioned the words ‘Season 2’ - I now have thousands of moments and memories from this game and its fans. I could try and list them all, but you know how I feel about anything longer than four pages…

I can’t say a final goodbye without mentioning my beloved patch notes one more time. I had such a blast writing them all. I’m fairly certain that I wrote each and every one from the very first internal-only closed Alpha (where I specifically remember Diana was added) all the way through to the August patch notes of last year, which officially go down as my final ones. (There’s even a small ‘easter egg’ hidden in those specific patch notes, that I don’t remember seeing mentioned anywhere. Looking at it now, it’s actually quite fitting.) The only major patch notes I missed, was for the Bangkok episode in Season One. Ironically enough, that was the episode where my breakthrough performance as ‘Newscaster’ allowed me to share a digital stage with Jane Perry and David Bateson. That was pretty damn cool!

I think that’s it. Over and out :heart:


Thank YOU Travis.


thank you so much travis. we love you :heart_hands:


Goodbye Travis, i hope you well in life, you’re a real one. Keep up the good work :purple_heart:


o/ Travis, Godspeed.


Thanks for everything you’ve done for the community. We’ll miss you and your charming wit in the patch notes. Best of luck in your next endeavor!


Thank you Travis, I wish you the best for your future plans !


Good luck with everything Travis!


Thank you for keeping us informed throughout all these years, it’s greatly appreciated, and you have been well-loved by me and many others in the community. Goodbye, and farewell Travis. We’ll all miss you.

I wish you well in all your future endeavours, man.


Good luck.
I also would like to notice, please, if you can, tell the other developers they think about returning Jesper Kyd as compositor. That would be very very cool.


The iconic duo is now gone…

Thank you for all the help and support, interacting with you in regards to community events has been a huge highlight and pleasure.

Good luck with everything youre going to do in the future <3


Good luck, and thank you.


It makes my heart sink but all things must come to an end, I suppose. Thank you for all the memories that came back to me when I read your post. Thank you for everything. Good luck :heart_decoration:


Boldly going. Thank you @Travis_IOI, for all you’ve given over the years.


I’m sad to see you go. I guess this means the final patch is approaching soon. Thank you for the laughs and fantastic layout of the patch notes from previous years. I hope you find another good fit soon.




Thank you! We’ll miss you!


Farewell Travis, thank you for your dedication and work for the Hitman Franchise and its Community. You’ve had one amazing journey with the company and I’m sure everyone else will agree that we’re proud and honored that you were there every step of the way throughout the way.

On behalf of the Hitman Wiki, thank you for your support and acknowledgment of the community project that’s maintained by fellow fans. What makes a great community manager is someone who really relates and digs deep into their communities and fans, you’ve been a great example of that Travis.

To Travis, Cheers! Good luck on your future adventures and journeys, there are so many companies and people who would be lucky and grateful to have you guiding the way.

Thank you Travis!


Thank you for everything, Travis.
You’re the best.


I wish i had 47 ways to thank you for everything you did, your names tagged along with ours for a long time, it was a privilege to read your messages and patch notes throughout the years, thank you for your cheerful disposition, always!
Wish you the best in your next adventure.