I don’t know where you live, but that seems like too many lights for a vehicle that is that clean.
Man I’m only 2 years older than you but you look 5 years older than me. I’m jealous lol
Bro went to the Kronstadt Center
it had one or two robotic arms and a robot you could command
Got some Super Mario Edition Oreos back on my birthday.
It’s been cute seeing the many designs on the cookies before eating them.
Weegee time!
Visited a mysterious, haunted and cursed ancient temple now in ruins - Konark Sun Temple is a UNESCO site built in year 1250 which was one of the technological advanced at that time measuring time -
It had a levitating Sun God Idol suspended in a natural magnetic stone. The magnet was so powerful that it disrupted ships navigation compasses and there are some more tales from the local people.
Here’s another one. But this, I’m sure is a local since I’ve seen this parked in the same spot several other times – as if they work at the place where it’s parked. Sometimes it’s gone - so it’s not abandoned. I’ve even seen another jeep around town that is brown and also has a bunch of rubber ducks on the dash. Maybe they’re part of some club.
This is about a couple of miles from the place I took the other pic.
My ducky truck isn’t as fun but I did see this guy in Brooklyn some time back. “Vigilante” seems extreme for a plumber.
After seeing a pink Jeep this morning with rubber ducks on the dashboard, I thought; “Okay, surely there is a club for this.” And it just so happens…
Search on FB for:
I would leave a link, but it appears there are various groups with the same theme, and it only looked like a ‘Please Login to Facebook’ link instead of an actual page.
I don’t know if this belongs in the forum gallery but I made myself a nice Christmas present and I went today to shot with an AK47 and a classic silver Colt Government after.
It was such a perfect day today
Funny thing, this AK is from Yugoslavia era.
About my result, eh… It was the first time after all.
One thing that they don’t show us in movies is that your hands get pretty dirty.
Sorry to disappoint ya but the Romanian Revolution happened 34 years ago
I’m preparing for the new one
Merry Christmas everyone.
Wish you and your family good health, happiness and progress in 2024.
Here is a little christmas tree I made for my one year old daughter. She keeps repeating the word “Light” whenever I lit the decoration led lights -
It’s Christmas Eve and Im already socially tapped out and disassociated. But I really like my outfit.