The Game Awards Thread

Disney give them a lot to have Grauniads of the Galaxy win?

Idk. It’s been getting lots of good reviews.

More reason for me to play it this holiday when I’ve got the time.

Another year of blake getting tired of this cutesy art style…. PlayStation Breath of the Wild.

Yeah but every other game up there had a better narrative experience or at least had some sort of pedigree.

I think that was originally shown earlier this year on a State of Play.

I’m excited for it. Looks adorable, and I like how it’s featuring a geographic culture that probably never has had any informative exposure in games.

:man_shrugging: I won’t knock it till I’ve tried it. I was hesitant on it being good before launch, but I’ve heard from a lot of people there’s nothing to be afraid of.

The cutesy art style is the new dark and edgy of the gaming industry that was everywhere back during the 360 era. It works I get it and people really like it, but it’s a dime a dozen now and it blends in to where I show no interest in games with the aesthetic.

You can be a Taco in Saints row

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Saw that trailer. Are they still going to say it isn’t like Saint’s Row now?

But you can be a Taco and we can’t forget about the wing suit.

The last game allowed you to be a superpowered hotdog or energy drink.

But this time you can be taco wingsuit man you don’t like tacos?

just give me a chicken costume then I’ll be on board

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Doug Bowser came out from the cave in which he resides.


Congrats to the team behind Metroid Dread.

Managed to keep secret for years, reveal a game in June, release it in October to rave reviews, and win an award. Cool.


Back to the Cave Doug goes for a couple months.


Fun Fact: Gamers can’t say anything other than based or cringe. Their tiny smooth minds explode if they try.

Amonk US but first person

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Mungus VR. I have seen it all and I don’t want to see it.


Victorian Doll Baddie.

“Google Play Games on PC”

uhhhh Google do you remember a thing called Stadia?

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