From the people who made Invasion USA!, Death Wish 3 and Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo came Over The Top. A film about a lonely trucker’s journey to arm wrestle his way back into his son’s heart. For some reason this film about a man winning a custody battle (literally) single-handedly needed to have Kenny Loggins, Giorgio Moroder, Sammy Hagan and Asia on its soundtrack.
Stumbled upon this on my journey to understand German. Very catchy.
Ich bin hamma, du bist hamma, wir sind alles hamma!
No he didnt. Song was recorded in 2004 and was supposed to be on his Encore album.
I love how they let Rabin have a spot, once in a while I go back to his Flash Animations for Albuquerque and Everything You Know Is Wrong. In fact I did that three days ago.
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