Unpopular opinions about Hitman

The Fixer was a good mission.

And most of H3 maps are really bad.

I’m stealing ur speech bubble, and also I love a bit of exaggeration in my messages


Paris has a lot of issues with long term replayability, but it’s great as verticle slice demo.

Colorado was only redeemed by the sniper challenge mission.


Bangkok has only ever needed a second and more accessible security console, if it had that then we wouldn’t be having this conversation in all likelihood or at least we would see more of an ambivalence to Bangkok than outright hostility.

Speaking of hostile zones…

Colorado is straight up ass for anything other than masochistic SA/SO runs (a nightmare I just did for the first time and never to be done again) or for a free-wheeling kill-em-all challenge (also a a first time). Colorado has the aspirations of a dramatic and fraught climax but is more a griseous and lukewarm denouement of a level.

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Colorado isn’t bad if you take good advantage of disguises. Although you do need different disguises to access the different areas, it’s not all that hard to get them.

SASO is indeed difficult, although perhaps not quite as hard as people make it out to be.


There is one room with a lethal poison pills(?), and yeah, even the Terminus from Absolution had some laundry chutes.


I don’t think any of the H3 maps are bad. Some of my favourites in fact.

Paris is also one of the best imo (and it has the best disguise).


I dunno. I am not that fond of Berlin, I always find it confusing to navigate

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Berlin isn’t that bad, I actually like it. The Biker disguise is a bit overpowered. Otherwise a great map for contracts. I always have problems to navigate Ambrose. Still don’t really get that map – don’t like it.


Am I the only one who thinks Colorado is a good map?

And even the best map in the franchise?


I also like it very much but it isn’t one of tje best imo


I like it, too.

When I first played Hitman (2016), I made my way through all the levels. But at same time I knew, I was missing so much. On every map there were parts I hadn’t yet seen, mission stories I hadn’t followed and honestly back then I didn’t fully understand how SA worked, which also bothered me.
So when I was through with Hokkaido, I wasn’t sure what to do. I realized that Hitman would take much more time to learn and understand and I was debating whether it was worth all that time.

Finally, I remembered Colorado, which has a fairly simple map layout. It’s small, mostly flat and mostly out in the open, so navigating the map is easy. In that moment I decided, I wanted to give Hitman another go and play around with Colorado a bit, since it seemed an easy map. And I loved it. Of course getting SASO wasn’t easy. But I tried my hand at some challenges and mission stories and I learned more about Hitman and had fun with it. That’s why I kept going with the game and today Hitman 3 is by far my most played video game ever. Wouldn’t have been if it wasn’t for Colorado.


Yes, Berlin, Dartmoor and (don’t kill me) Carpathian Mountains are some of my favourites. But I don’t like the rest.


“Spieß voran, drauf und dran” as one song would say /j

(Rough translation from Wir Sind De Geyers Schwarzer Haufen, meaning: “Spears Advance, Forward March” but in a literal translation it’s: “Skewer ahead, on and on”, there’s your fact of the day I guess.)

On replay, Marrakesh is the better “two fortresses in a city map” mission compared to Chongqing.
(Chongqing is still the better map and location though)

(Tangentially: Chongqing really is Marrakesh 2.0. One fortress is decrepit, the other sleek. The two are connected via a tunnel from the backcourt of a shop/arcade. You can have the two targets meet, with an explosive end. The two targets are from the same organisation, but undermine each other behind their back… I guess IOI wanted a retry at the concept, since Marrakesh is frequently seen as a low tier map)

Colorado is actually quite simple in Freelancer.


Always has been.

I would argue Mumbai is Marrakesh 2.0, complete with a bustling city area in between the fortresses, but addressing the issue of no target/assassination opportunities in that area.


That water tower start can be super stressful (in Hardcore mode)… Unless the guy next to the satellite power (dealy) can’t see you slide down the ladder.

But yeah. It’s not as hard as one would think as long as you don’t screw up and get 20+ guys shooting at you. :laughing: Just be near the fence where you can hop over if :poop: should hit the fan.


Marrakesh is a map I have played a lot since I originally only owned the First Season, but although I like the setting a lot I can’t say the same for the map.

I find it very, very linear, and with very few paths to go from one place to another. And, many of the paths are unavailable for easy use most of the time. In this sense I enjoy Chongqing much more. And most of the map isn’t really that useful as the two tagets are inside their fortresses (their outsides are only mostly useful for mission stories and secondary missions/targets- and Freelancer, of course).

What I mean is that it doesn’t feel that interconnected, and it’s various buildings with a few paths loosely connected with a ton of empty space in the middle. But, again, it’s a mission I enjoy a lot due to the setting, and I find myself playing the map every once in a while just to enjoy the vibes.


Marrakech is great if you exclude the school area.

Chongqing is far better though and one of my favourite maps. Its only fault is that there’s not a lot going on on the streets

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Marrakesh is the map I never really liked but still made much more and nicer puzzle contracts on compared to any other map, even Sapienza. Might have changed if I could keep the output high during H2 and H3.

Shoutout to @Lasse_ioi! You did a good job! And no solar panels pointing into the wrong direction of the sky. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: