Well of course he’s hungry. No one stands between Galactus and his meal!
That’s not true, people do all the time. Unless it’s earth, they usually fail.
The Thing is weird. (Don’t worry he is used to hearing that) For some reason I like the practical effects used on Chiklis and the voice sounds wrong.
Overall it just looks like mid.
I truly don’t understand why people had a problem with Chiklis’s Thing. In fact, the first two FF movies aren’t as bad as people remember them. Dr. Doom sucked (a cardinal sin), Galactus sucked (the other cardinal sin) and the story wasn’t structure well, but the main four characters, their dysfunctional family dynamic, the humor and the stakes were all spot-on. In the pre-MCU era, while it didn’t rank up to Spider-Man, X-Men or Blade, it certainly wasn’t DareDevil, Elektra or Ghost Rider.