Speak of the devil on Reddit:
I forgot this existed
The Thing Remastered
An old school action horror that’s an overall improvement but not quite worth the $30 price tag. Something I always disliked about the orginal was that squad transformations were scripted, reguardless if they past the blood test. I use to know who and when somebody would become the Thing and that really killed the tension. Now only a select few are scripted which is a pity but still progress. But now certain enemy types have a vomit attack that will slow you down but turn squadmates into a Thing. You still have to manage the trust/fear system to keep them from losing thier shit or turning againest you. I always loved this idea but it’s still under cooked unfortunately. This is the type of game I really wish would get a full blown Remake. There’s a lot of untapped potential IMO.
Restarted Dark Souls 3
I have restarted Dark Souls 3 last week, after more than 2 years. I was stuck with this difficult boss - Pontiff Sulyvahn.
Finally defeated him in first attempt today - Exile Greatsword was the key. The sword is a devastating weapon against many bosses.
Last time I was on Mage build, this time I am playing in aggressive strength build.
Any Dark Souls 3 fan would know this blocking boss.
Side Note: On 2022, I left Dark Souls 3 due to some Hitman games priority. There was no save file transfer from PS4 to PS5 so I had to start all over again - especially the soul farmings.
Any Dark Souls 3 fans here ??
Wildlands is fun, the open world of Bolivia is actually really pretty and fun to explore. The co-op aspect is pretty good too, it feels like the game was built around it, compared to Far Cry 5 where it felt like an afterthought in that game. It is very much a Ubisoft game though, lots of regions, lots of brainless side content and collectibles to hunt down. I haven’t played the older Ghost Recon titles but I’m not sure open world really suits a series that, at least from what I understood, was all about squad tactics? Hate the jingoistic America saves the day plot. Yeah, sure, the CIA will come to Bolivia’s rescue, in a covert off the books operation which involves torture, false flag operations, and destroying key infrastructure. Utter garbage.
Anyway, I recently finished playing the System Shock remake. Really enjoyed it, a lot of fun, but also quite punishing, and unashamedly old school. They got the original VA for SHODAN back, which is awesome, her voice which is constantly distorted is so creepy and menacing. (Terri Brosius, who is also a video game developer, and also has writing credits, including on both Dishonored games.)
I’m not sure System Shock is for everyone, it can be frustrating, and the game loves to send you into death traps with little time to react. But it is very rewarding and fun when you get past an obstacle. The opening level is really creepy as well, the game has great lighting, sound design, and OST. I knew System Shock was considered the spiritual source of the Bioshock games, and it is remarkable just how much stuff from Bioshock mechanically is in System Shock. And there is even a nod to Bioshock Infinite: Citadel Station, the space station the game takes place on, is a Lighthouse class starbase. Edward Diego is the head of the station and responsible for SHODAN’s descent into madness, and the station is practically a city in of itself. “There’s always a lighthouse, always a man, always a city.”
Nightdive Studios head has said they’d start work on a System Shock 2 after this, so hopefully that will materialise. A System Shock 3 was announced in 2017, but apparently development of that was cancelled in 2019. As for Bioshock, 2K has said they are making another Bioshock title, although apparently development on that has been going on since 2015, with it changing studios a few times. And Ken Levine is making Judas, which looks like a mix of System Shock and Bioshock, with a lot of Bioshock’s style in a space setting. The concept for that game started in 2014, Bloomberg had an article in early 2022 (which I can’t read because it’s paywalled) saying the game was in development hell with a lot of employees having issues with Ken Levine’s leadership, and then the game got a trailer in the 2022 Game Awards, with the game aiming for a March 2025 release date. Considering it’s been pretty quiet since then, I think we can assume that release date isn’t happening. Hopefully it will materialise sooner rather than later.
I recently picked up the Remake of Resident Evil 4, so far it’s been a stellar experience. I haven’t played the original in the last 14-16 years and I only did it once.
I really enjoy horror games, I always heavily enjoyed the tense atmosphere and reaching the point of no return. I still recall playing Resident Evil 5 and getting to the second boss, the dreadful moment where you reach a small closed off room full of ammo and health and there is only one door standing in the way of your progression. Then entring arena, knowing that something much worse then the typical enemy is waiting.
With Resident Evil 4, I know somewhat what to expect, yet my memory is clouded and I know that things have changed between the original and the remake. I’m still expecting fighting “Rasputin” looking gigant and even worse, the moment I dread the most fighting the Verdugo. In my original playthrough of the OG game, I decided to nope out there as fast as I could, ending up running around a table in circles until timer went down and I could use the elevator instead of fighting whatever nightmare that was.
That might also be my plan A this time around, just to run and in circles if there is a table that will allow me that.
Normally I’m not scared of horror games, but that thing and the Regenerator in Dead Space can kindly bugger off or I will run until I’m left no other choice then to fight.
I never played Dead Space 1 when it first came out, however I got a copy of DS2 bundled with my PS3 so playing that first time around, when I got to the regenerator I treated it like any other normal necromorph . Upon seeing him get back up. Yeah that scared the shit outta me.
It’s since become my favourite horror series in gaming. I loved the remake.
I think we all did that
And then the horrible realisation follows and quite frankly I’m not okay with that.
The TLDR. If you think a boss was cut from the remake of RE4. It’s not it’s just in the DLC Scenario figured I’d put that here now just incase you think something is off.
I’m not sure I follow? If TLDR in this case stands for “Too long didn’t read”. Regarding the removal of the U-3 boss, then it never bothered me. I’m not that far into the game to notice.
KCD was already an incredible achievement, let alone that it was developed by a team of 8 people. The sequel, though, quite frankly takes everything that the first game did and improves on it. The road is more alive, there’s more variety to npc dialogue, combat is more fluid, the crime system was overhauled, I could go on. But more importantly, here are some dog photos.
Playing on medium/low settings.
A few more. I only included the rats because the first game didn’t have them and I think they’re neat.
Still playing RE4 Remake, the game is great. There is just one thing that really bothers me, you are only able to store weapons and first aid kids. Meaning you are running around with a lot of ammo for weapons you don’t own nor are using. Normally I would just store the other types of ammo and save them for later.
It’s a mind mind boggling change from RE2 and 3 remake. My inventory is begning to become a bit crowded, even if I also go for Storage upgrades first and formost.
I played the Talos Principle 2, here is the review I wrote there:
I played the first one years ago and wondered what they could do with it when they announced the second game. They visited all important philosophies in the first game, so what could the story be about? I would say, like today, it is about putting these theories into practice.
I quite liked it, though it is a bit different to Talos Principle 1.
3/4 of the puzzles felt easier than the average ones of the first. Interestingly that is mentioned by ingame characters twice or so, meaning the devs are aware but did not manage to keep the level. Still, the other quarter managed to make me walk up and down the levels for some time and I really enjoyed them. I am glad I refused reading any guides, made it feel rewarding to solve all of them.
Although some were a bit too convoluted. I like it when I can see the task right away but spend the time solving it.Puzzles are not side-to-side like they used to, there are some walking distances in between of varying sizes. But as you are not traveling through different epochs of human history but a physical place, the variety in the game had to be crafted like this. Personally, as someone who is a bit into architecture, I liked the maps, though sometimes when I knew I had to walk to a past end I wished we had golf carts.
The story is well made and ambitious, though there is more or less only one big decision like in the first game. I liked how the DLCs had a lighter tone after the ending of the main game. It felt like long-needed holidays, especially with the tropical island theme in one of them. And with the extra lore in them I ended up liking every character on their own. The game wrapped itself up nicely.
So tl;dr, if you liked the first and don’t mind walking a bit more and having some easier puzzles for a larger chunk of the game, go for it!
I also played The Invincible, a scifi, story-rich walking simulator which I liked for the 60s futuristic settings. But it was kinda boring.
The game doesn’t really communicate this well, but it’s totally viable to ditch the ammo you don’t currently use.
There’s no actual incentive to “save up” ammo because as soon as you equip that new gun type, the game will start dropping ammo for it. Ammo is not a scarce resource like it is in 2 and 3.
This also works in reverse, meaning that if you don’t equip a shotgun, you won’t see shotgun ammo drops. (Not 100% sure about the last part but that’s the feeling I got from playing it)
Got a few months of Game Pass for free, so I decided to try out Sniper Elite - Resistance. I think I only played a little bit of one previous entry, so don’t know if/how the series changed over time but I was surprised at how good the game looks and how polished it seems for the most part.
I am enjoying the stealth and sniper gameplay, the maps are beautiful but on the other hand, navigation feels a bit restricted (in that I often feel like I should be able to jump or climb something but can’t) and the voice acting and (lack of) cutscenes are a bit of a letdown.
You are absolutely right, that isn’t communicated very well. I was even playing with the idea of downloading a mod that would let me buy pas this. Then there is no reason for me to save some types of ammo for a rainy day.