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Ah shit!


Since we are all just posting movie posters for some reason I just wanted to remark on this movie poster because lord knows I couldn’t find a good thread to post this in.

Look at it, this looks like the sort of movie poster they make as video game props.

On the plus side you get 100 Prestige Points and you learnt the Skull Bomb combo card.



That’s if we’re talking worldwide. Couldn’t find a chart for domestic.


Hay I will do your Batman one better with my own Dark Knight.


I actually like your Batman better. The cast in the 1989 version was brilliant. But I prefer the darker version.

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Funny because I like 1989 more. It was camp and serious without it ever clashing too much.




I don’t even have to look that up. I was born 1986 and the number one film was Top Gun.

Not sure what that means. I don’t want to lose a friend or be second best at anything. Maybe I can take it to mean I’ll get in better shape and play shirtless volleyball a lot.

It means if they ended the theatrical run of the film by even a month earlier than expected then your 2025 would’ve resemble Crocodile Dundee instead.

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But what about when you were 10 years old


Well the highest grossing film of '96 was Independence Day. And while it is always fun to wish aliens would show up and save us from this mess I am not keen on it going down like that.


Haha! I totally didn’t read that correctly. 1996 Independence Day



I just made a joke become reality tonight. Well, not reality exactly, but close. I was playing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, and I freed a prisoner in an enemy camp that had a bear guarding it. When the prisoner was freed, the camp was alerted and started pursuing me, including the bear. And true to real life, you can’t outrun the bears in this game most of the time, they can keep up with you, but they are also programmed to attack any NPCs that they come across.

So as I’m running away from the pursuers, slowly outrunning the human NPCs but not losing the bear at all, I noticed the prisoner I had freed was running along the same path I was. And I had an epiphany: you know the old joke that you don’t have to run faster than the bear, just faster than the person you’re with? I actually fucking did that, and it worked! I ran ahead of the prisoner, because they are not programmed to run faster than the player character, but I kept them behind me, changing my direction whenever they started to change theirs, and eventually the bear caught up with them and started attacking them, and I got away from it. What is going on with the universe?!


When I was 10 years old, The Lost World was the best movie :crazy_face: , so I am like :grimacing:

All the scenes in the movie are diverse and different from each other but this is epic -

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Yeah Lost World is kinda cool. For those of you who are curious 1997’s highest grossing movie is Titanic. Congrats, out of all the movies posted yours comes the closest to replicating the state of the world right now.


Mine is 2000…its American Pie :melting_face:


I think my one bodes well.


At least Indepenence Day had one of the best pinball machines back then!


I’m a huge Jeff Goldblum fan. The movie just doesn’t give me anything that could be my life in 2025. At least nothing I would like :joy:

I was hoping the President is re-elected in it bc my election is this year in May, him winning could get me excited and hoping this silly internet game is fun, but that doesn’t happen. He’s already president when the movie starts and he doesn’t have to run again during the film.