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English is a Germanic language so it’s more than just words, it’s in the same language family.


Yes itbis my friend, I’ve played enough Assassins creed Valhalla and thus read all about it for one year!


Das ist die beste schokolade. :chocolate_bar:

It’s actually bruder :slight_smile:


I’ve created a Thread once about the different names of the Hitman Missions, feel free to add some in your language.


Is it, I’m thinking of another word then, I’ll try and find it, i believe it begins with w and is super long



I may be wrong but the thing with these long words is that they are formed out of multiple ones.

We have some here too like medical / chemical etc. words such as Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconioză :woozy_face:


German has the concept of compound words so you can artificially create words that are as long as you want (while they might not make much sense).

I guess German is harder to learn than English, but other are harder. I would say you can roughly rate by the number of grammatical cases. English has three, German four. Tsez has 64. :joy:


One of my favorite words is “verschlimmbessern” it describes the act of making something worse by improving it.

My MK Buddy from Scotland loves the german word for Turtle, “Schildkröte” because it literally means “shield toad” :man_shrugging::smile::smile:


One day I will try to report a bug to IO by claiming the correct German translation of “briefcase” is “Briefkasten”.


I’m heading into my sixth year of learning German, and I absolutely love it. It seems very logical to me, and it generally makes sense, but learning any language is an enormous task. My favourite German words/phrases are “Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte” and “öffentliche Verkehrsmittel” (meaning Black Forest Gateau/Cherry Cake and public transport respectively), I find them immensely satisfying to say.

On the flipside, for non-native English speakers, what are your favourite words/phrases?


Is English a hard language to learn?

  • Yes
  • No

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When first learning English, I loved the sentence “Do you do judo?” because with the German pronounciation of judo is like “you do”. It just sounds funny. :joy:


Ya see what i mean???

Is really depends what you want to learn, how much you already know about our language and what otyer languages you speak such as French can be similar to English as we have stolen like loads of words! :joy:

I know im English, but my favorite word to say is flabbergasted

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Or “umfahren”, which can mean driving around something or driving over something. So we use the same word for two opposite things.


I always felt it was very similar to English just angrier. I’m years out of practice though and quite rusty now but I can usually get the gist of a fair amount of phrases.

Yes. It’s actual nonsense and makes little sense, even to native speakers.

Semi related, I really enjoyed learning Russian. It’s just a little bit wacky but that makes it interesting and engaging. I like words like “французский язык” (meaning “French”) and phrases like “очень приятно познакомиться” (“very pleased to meet you”) which are simultaneously very fun to say and use about the half the Cyrillic alphabet (containing 33 letters) with few repetitions.


(post deleted by author)

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Where is the “I hate Marshmallows” option?

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