Official Community Created Contracts - 47's Birthday (September 2023)

Worked hard on this for a while to get out quickly. Thankfully I like it a lot :slight_smile: Not submitted in a while due to life stuff, so happy to be throwing something else out there!

Contract ID: 4-30-1020252-48

Platform: Switch

Submitter name: The Elite Institute

Contract Title: Birthday Blowout

Briefing: What do you get an Agent for their birthday? Munitions, of course!

Brief Description: Diana and the gang have surprised 47 with some weaponry that he can find in the security room, although Diana has given him a personal large gift that he can carry in his case!

Of course, no point in having toys if you can’t play with them, so 47 has to take out a few targets scattered around the ICA facility using a pistol, sniper, and explosive.

As normal, I like to focus my targets in an intimate area, but you’ll need to think carefully about how to take out each target. Not to mention Royce and her guard like to wander this floor, making her presence another thing to deal with!

Location: Chongqing

And Featured Contract Image suggestion:

Side note, I will try to edit that image so that the weapon pickups don’t appear :frowning: