Make your favourite extended load-out!

So I have a increasingly rather decent arsenal of weapons, gears, and suits.

So I thought I make a favourite extended load-out, and ask for yours.

Now, what exactly is an extended load-load-out? Disregard the game format, and choose one item per subcategory - what does your list look like?

My favourites are:

Pistols: ICA19 Silverballer.
Smgs: Dak Gold Covert.
Shotguns: Enram HV Covert.
Assault Rifles: RS-15
Sniper Rifles: Hackl Leviathan Sniper Rifle Covert.
Melee: Tanto.

Containers: Ultimate Black Briefcase.
Melee: Small Goldbar.
Tools: ICA Titanium Crowbar.
Distractions: Classic Coin.
Poisons: Lethal Pills.
Explosives: Remote Explosive Classic Rubber Duck.

Classic: Ashen Suit with Gloves.
Formal: Classic All-Black Suit.
Coats: the New Yorker with Gloves.
Casual: Midnight Black Suit.
Tactical: Tactical Turtleneck.
Themed: White Yukata.

Now, most of these I hardly use - understandably.

My favourite standard load-out would have to be:
Suit: Ashen Suit with Gloves.
Concealed Weapon: ICA19 Silverballer.
Smuggled Item: Depending on the mission either Titanium Crowbar, Hackl Leviathan Sniper Rifle Covert, or Tanto.
Gear 1: Fiber Wire Classic.
Gear 2: Classic Coin.

I am also in the progress of acquiring the Signature Suit with Gloves. I think that one will be the undisputed favourite suit!

Now it is your turn! Gimme gimme!