Remember ICA Yellow Troops?

God what use is that camo? What are they hiding from?


Probably meant for desert environments or areas with lots of yellowish dust, is my guess.

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They are just well disciplined, and always wear their PT belt.

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I guess so but the yellow, to me anyway, seems too bright to be good for that environment

Then again, wrong environment for the Saints, too.

Fiar point. I didn’t think of that one, none of Absolution felt real, maybe 47 was secretly high??? But they tats just a theory… A game theory!

Not just any mustard…

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This only works if you happen to ignore or not be aware of the fact that we already have desert camouflage. Oh and that it is only their pants they are wearing fucking polo shirts from the waist up.

Also I hate the way their shirts look, they all look like the ICA shops at Ralph Lauren before the Proud Boys made them stop selling yellow-black leisurewear. In fact the grunts really look like Proud Boys.


Who’s “we?” Maybe ICA doesn’t have that. Plus, these guys are mercenaries, they may have just thrown on whatever, or whatever Travis was able to provide that was cheap enough not to bring auditors down on him and start asking questions.

The most likely reasons is that it made it easy for players to identify enemy troops without making them look like Dexter’s armor wearing fools.

You mean a fighting force doesn’t know what desert camo is? Or that camo only works if you are dressed head to toe in it?

That isn’t how PMCs work at all. Blackwater don’t let you wear clown suits to commit war crimes, they have a uniform like every fighting force on the planet.

Are you saying that Gulf War veteran Travis decided he would just skimp out on camouflage outfits? Also ask questions about what? His fashion sense?

Well duh but it isn’t fun if we just go with the actual reason now is it?

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Ok, didn’t think I’d have to walk you of all people through this one, but here we go:

No, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is, they don’t have any desert camo, or don’t have time to get some, and just threw on a batch of whatever to be ready in time to move out to Hope.

Well, first of all, these guys aren’t their own PMC, they’re likely just individual soldiers that Travis rounded up in a haste and so don’t have a collective uniform. And if they do, uh, why would you want to commit a war crime in a uniform that can be used to easily identify your organization? You’d think dressing like clowns would be beneficial since nobody would know who you are and you look so ridiculous that you wouldn’t be taken seriously at first sight, giving you that momentary advantage to strike first while the enemy tries to make sense of you.

No, I’m saying the mentally unhinged man-child, who is spending the whole game essentially throwing a tantrum because Diana and 47 made him look bad and took away his favorite toy, is only thinking about getting Victoria back, getting revenge on 47, and keeping his bosses from knowing about what he’s really doing, and couldn’t care less about the finer details of anything else involved in those goals, like whether his strike team has decent uniforms.

And he doesn’t want ICA management asking questions about what he’s doing, why he’s squandering resources, why he’s trying to take over a town in the middle of nowhere, why he didn’t get back to work once Diana “died,” why 47 went rogue on him, etc,.

Does nobody on this forum understand the significance of his talk with Jade in the last mission of the game, or the cutscenes several missions prior to that when she’s trying to get him to focus on the priorities like a professional, or has everybody put so much of it out of their minds that they don’t remember key details that actually sheds light on one of the things everyone’s always saying is one of the big reasons they think the game is bad in the first place? Everything that doesn’t make sense about ICA in Absolution isn’t really ICA, it’s Travis going nuts with the resources he’s in charge of! And everything Travis does that doesn’t make sense is because he’s losing his damned mind from Diana and 47 proving they have bigger dicks than him!

Then shouldn’t they be wearing urban or digital camo then?

They aren’t, I could have swore Absolution said they were a part of the ICA proper (as stupid as that is)? How can they have both a co-ordinated and broadly uniform fashion sense yet have no actual uniforms provided to them

Because dressing up as someone else to commit war crimes is a war crime in and of itself. Not only that but you would need that other person’s uniform to do it in anyway. Seems like a lot of effort when I could just do war crimes and hope I never get caught doing them.

I have a feeling that in addition to have absolutely no tactical advantage, no stealthy properties at all and being hard to maintain I would assume running into enemy territory in a bright clown costume is going to get you shot before you could do anything.

Also I would take a clown charging at me with an M16 deadly seriously and I am disturbed that you aren’t more scared of a war crimes clown.

Yeah but Travis doesn’t take leave of all his sense completely even demolishing Hope had some sort of logic to it; that 47 can only really be defeated by pure and overwhelming force since 47 is immune to any sort of game theory based strategy. It wasn’t like he snapped, it was what he felt was the best course of action. I am worried right now because Travis inelegantly and flat-out mentions his views on tactics at least twice in the game.

Also if Travis didn’t want to have his bosses know what he is up to then he shouldn’t have bought an army’s worth of tickets to Cornwall for the last mission. The money spent on all of the research equipment would be way odder than some camo fatigues as well. In fact it is kind of stupid he requisitioned heavy officers to the cemetery as well.

We understand, we just don’t care because Absolution’s story sucks giga-wang and we all think it should be treated as though it is not canon at all. It is the result of 47 slamming an entire fondue pot and the subsequent cheese dreams he had. He had to much Nyquil and this is what happened.

Then why does someone so insane and have a view on tactics and people so at odds with the ICA’s core values (as they were prior to ABS) even allowed to get that much power anyway? According to canon materials Travis was a fucking recruiter so why did they think he should be in charge of things at all?

Travis isn’t going insane because they are better, he went nuts because the ICA got tired of his shit and the protagonists came close to rescuing his pet project with the further threat of his secret projects being found by the ICA’s board.

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So, just to interject in the middle.

Why are you all talking about desert cam ? It’s woodland, or at least for European / forest theatre. The only thing that could, with a narrow squint, call for a desert mention are the the bright yellow strips. They are what started the question by Charlie_Farmer, and Heisenberg talking about desert, not the cam.

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Heisenberg brought up the desert camo as a way of explaining why there was yellow on their uniforms even though it isn’t a tactically sound shade of yellow at all. I thought their pants are desert camo since they looked lighter than a woodland camo (though that could be me)

It is only now that I realised that yes they are woodland camo since they have heavier splotches than a desert camo does. Which means they are still wearing the wrong sort of clothing.

Heisenberg is trying to distract us. The real question is why is the ICA using the wrong sort of camouflage because they are conducting daytime urban ops in either night, woodland or vaguely desert-like camouflage.

The heavies are the only soldiers who seem to understand the purpose of camo since they wear all black outfits to go along with night camo pants but the thing is they all operate in daylight hours so they are still wrong.

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That map makes it look like Russia and China are glitching out.


Well, they sort of are aren’t they?


Yeah, the whole world needs a patch though.

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To nitpick : the french one (CCE) will be replaced soon(ish) by the BME (which manage to include some purple in it). Besides, Daguet was the main one used in opex recently (because, of course the french miltary always had something prepared for Africa any desert don’t ask which).

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Can we all agree that “uniform” design is dumb.

Black short-sleeve T-shirts, with bright yellow stripes are questionable on their own as a grunt outfit.

But - they have the ICA logos in the same yellow color, logos of a covert hitman agency? There goes any sort of implied plausible deniability, and logic - why would ICA even need that sort of merchandised clothing.

Also the shirts have two-digit numbers that I think might be the troops’ individual codenames similarly to 47? Which is weird as 47 got his name from his creator, not the Agency; and even if it’s a coincidence, there’s still little reason to make these numbers that big (they cover their whole backs as you can see on the grunts with no vests) or put them on the uniform at all.