Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-31-3536725-07
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: SlashGashGaga
Location: Mendoza
Contract Title: Steamed Hams

Briefing: Don Yates is throwing a big feast to celebrate his retirement from Morgan, Yates & Co. Yates was always hungry for power and our client wants his perfect win record scarred before her retires. Eliminate those who helped Yates with the cases and ruin his reputation. Show them your old family recipe for steamed hams, though you called them steamed hams despite the fact they’re obviously asado. Yates has bitten off more than he can chew, let’s give him an unforgettable luncheon. Bon Appetit 47.

Brief Description: This is my 1st time here so I hope I’ve done everything right. I always wanted to make a contract around The Simpsons meme steamed Hams and now I got the chance. It gives a slight challenge as how to kill the targets but quite simple if you know the map. Everything is possible without having to bring in tools.

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