Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-31-2887036-81
Platform: PC
Submitter name: Baffin_Island
Contract Title: The Marvelous Llosa Brothers
Brief Description: A contract in which you need to use a variety of different methods to kill your targets! The verbs in the briefing refer to the different ways you kill your targets: Mince (Lethal Melee), marinate (Poison), boil (Drown), and barbecue (Cannon!). It’s also optional to wear the chef outfit, to add a bit of extra challenge.

Briefing: Assist the world-famous Llosa Brothers in their crusade to end the sin of gluttony, by cooking a wonderful dish made of the rarest meat of all, human! Mince, marinate, boil, and barbecue your unwitting targets and destroy the gluttony forever!
Location: Mendoza


Probably a cropped version of this ^

If you played it and liked/disliked this contract, please give me some feedback! Thank you for considering this contract for featuring!