Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-31-7900637-48
Platform: Xbox one
Submitter name: HiredPlayer1500
Contract Title: «Idleness of Dionysus»
Briefing: Welcome 47. You are always welcome at my feast.
You see… People need to rest… allow themselves more and go beyond the bounds of decency, but not everyone understands this. Wine and meat, isn’t it wonderful? Don’t you dare deny yourself the pleasure, as several of my guests do…
Oh. Don’t you want to eat? Well then, help me remove those who prevent others from enjoying and you can go, okay?
47th, I’m counting on you… Take action!
Brief Description: Elimination of four guests of the Dionysus Ball. The contract gives freedom for reflection. It’s not too complicated, and it’s not super easy. The main goal was to choose those goals that enjoyed the “ball” less than others.
Location: Mendoza

P.s - author of screenshots: Bulcer