Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-31-2625380-56
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: ambusher55
Contract Title: The Pig Robbers
We have a mission - kill the five thieves who stole the pig from the Season of Gluttony and sold it to the Asado Chefs.
The client Mr Clemens Koch @Clemens_IOI from IO Interactive wants us to teach them a lesson by eliminating with poisoned pig (pork) when the dinner is served.
They are having red hankerchief or flower in their suit. You need to bring poison with you, however you can make some there if you dont have poisons.
Brief Description:
In this contract you have to kill the targets with poisoned asado dish wearing suit with no pacification.

Location: Mendoza

And Featured Contract Image suggestion: