Official Community ENVY Featured Contracts Submissions [ENDED]

2 more.
Contract ID: PC:1-29-2214137-89 Xbox: 3-29-4322296-02
Platform: PC and Xbox
Submitter name: Georgikens
Contract Title: Crime of Envy
Briefing: Hello 47. Your targets are Ingolf Maurer and Charles West (Micheal Beyer). Maurer is holding an illegal identity auction at the Sündhafter Puls event at the Club Hölle. Just this evening, he has purchased Beyer’s identity and is now celebrating at the club. According to Mike Beyer’s mother, he has taken his own life after having his identity stolen and all his bank accounts drained. She requests both Maurer and West to be eliminated in the same way Beyer was. Nobody else may be harmed.
Brief Description: Kill 2 targets with pistol eliminations with no pacifications/non target kills.
Location: Berlin

Contract ID: PC: 1-30-5344982-89 Xbox: 3-30-9633506-02
Platform: PC and Xbox
Submitter name: Georgikens
Contract Title: Jealousy Kills
Briefing: Look at those scumbags in their snazzy suits… I bet they think they’re so much better than you. “Ohh, what a poor measly cook!” I can hear them thinking it. They should be envious of YOU, 47. You’re so much better than them. Get them out of my sight.
Brief Description: Kill 4 well dressed targets in the ICA facility with alternating weapons.
Location: Chongqing