Official Community ENVY Featured Contracts Submissions [ENDED]

Contract ID: 1-31-6094653-76

Platform: PC

Submitter name: Brick_Beast

Contract Title: A REAL DICK MOVE

Briefing: Good morning 47, your mission is to eliminate 3 providence heralds. Our client, Alexandra Stavroula, has requested them killed for the reason that they always win on the monthly kahoot with Alexandra on a 4th place every time. Tired of standing in her coworkers shadow she has requested them all to be eliminated in accidents to leave no chance of her being connected to the 3 assassinations. Good luck 47!

One final thing, Alexandra has demanded that no other of her coworkers to be harmed

Brief Description: Kill three heralds in diffrent accidents whilst avoiding collateral damage

Location: Mendoza

Image suggestion: 47 with explosion in background