Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-28-6206311-88
Platform: Xbox
Submitter Name Swangtheugly
Location Dartmoor
Contract Title Say Cheese And Die!


It’s time to think negative, real negative. People may say the camera is cursed, but we all know one picture is worth a thousand screams!

Brief Description

Say Cheese And Die! Takes you to Dartmoor where the player is tasked to eliminate targets in unique in varied ways both obvious and some that might make you scratch your head a little. The complications this time around have been carefully selected to fit the theme of this contract while deceiving the player at the same time while it being a reference too. That being the Goosebumps Story of the same name. I’ve held onto this contract since the Launch of Hitman 3 and the Season of Wraith felt appropriate given how the targets perish in their each distinctive way.

Image Suggestion
