Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-27-4242735-92
Platform: PS5
Submitter name: tryagainlater
Contract Title: Mênis
Sing, goddess, the wrath of Achilles, Peleus’ son…

Devising shameful treatment for glorious Hector:
At the back of the feet he made holes by the tendons, from heel to ankle, and threaded straps of oxhide through them, and tied them to his chariot, leaving the head to drag behind.

Brief Description: What better place to find wrath in mythology then in The Iliad, the first word in the original Ancient Greek version being “mênis” which means wrath. Taking from the famous episode where Achilles drags poor Hector’s dead body with his chariot. One target to be killed with the ornate scimitar because it’s the closest thing to a Greek spear plus it’s nice to use a weapon that’s in the level for people who haven’t unlocked other swords in the loadout. The body has to be hidden to represent the dragging aspect from the story. It isn’t entirely obvious where the closest hiding spot is to the target who’s in the atrium. The nearest bathroom doesn’t have any but there is the closet in the stairwell maintenance room nearby. I didn’t use the no pacifications complication but it’s probably quicker to not knock people out so you don’t have to hide them or have them be woken up.

Location: Dubai
And Featured Contract Image suggestion: 47 dragging the body would work nicely.