Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-28-2866515-31

Platform: Playstation

Submitter name: zubin47

Contract Title: SMOKE BOMBS !!!

47, Madam Carlisle is pissed off on three of her house maids for smoking and not using ash tray. Alexa has obsessive compulsive disorder and hate the smokes and cigarette butt lying around. She is raged and wants to fire the three employees.
DISCLAIMER: Cigarette Smoking is Injurious to Health and Deadlier with Propane Gas.

Brief Description:
This is a contract where you have to get the two maids to smoke cigarette, find the three propane flask and plant it beside the targets to make a Smoking Bomb.

Unless you find a faster way to use the propane flask as bombs without using a gun.

Here shooting the propane flask to leak is restricted however (like my previous contract :crazy_face:) Hope you enjoy it !!

Location: Dartmoor

And Featured Contract Image suggestion:

Solution - Spoiler Alert
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