Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Here is my first submission!

Contract ID: 1-27-5451450-10
Platform: PC
Submitter Name: bgyorok
Contract Title: Plague of Chaos
What’s an establishment without their loyal patrons, the trained personnel, without the technicians and employees? What would happen, if they just disappeared? People getting shot left and right? Less and less income and workers not coming to work for “neck pain”? Maybe unfortunate souls getting into accidents?
You’re the agent of chaos, 47. You have the power in the palm of your hand. You just have to act.
Ruin the Burj Al-Ghazali. Show them that no one, and I mean NO ONE is untouchable.

Brief Description: I tried putting a lot of effort into these submissions since it is the last 7DS after all. Surprisingly, even though Wrath is probably the least imaginative idea for a contract, I somehow had the most ideas for this sin.
Plague of chaos is quite possibly my favorite one of my ideas. What happens if you get rid of the essentials? Chaos and rage. Basically wrath :grinning:. The targets are polar opposites to one another in lots of ways, including clothing, accessibility, etc., meanwhile, Antonio Marreghereti is the neutral one. Most of the targets are also on different levels making use of Dubai’s verticality.
Location: Dubai
**Featured Contract Image Suggestions: