Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Crafts War

ID: 1-29-8349395-53

Platform: PC

Submitter Name: Switcher

Contract Name: Crafts War

The spell requires 4 different ingredients. You must acquire a sample of a goats blood (aka bloodgoats), a dead man’s feather, a werewolf’s hair and a part of dragon’s skin. This spell will make you immortal. Every war may end in fine ways, made with great thoughts.
Disguise yourself as both sides, to let both think they won.
The Master has been mad for a very long time, this energy was stored in you, now, you must let your Wrath unleash.

Brief Description: A Starting Locations contract, the idea is pretty much making 2(+) Starting Locations ideal for the completion of the contract and giving the players the option to choose which starting location to go for, Any Method without any complications to give the players as much freedom as needed, only Disguises limits in order to limit the starting locations.
The plot in the briefing is kinda a mix of both halloween and wrath, a all in one package, I think its a fun story.

Location: Berlin

Targets and Required Disguises:

Suggested Image:

I don’t think theres any way to kill with consumed poison, this picture is purely for the briefing